Age: 19
Steam Name(Current): misery (aka shirorena )
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 200 hours on ttt and 60+ more in lobby ig
Where did you hear about this server?: Found it by mistake trying to join moatclone, stayed ever since because rpg ttt better than moatcloner
Have you ever been banned and why?: nope
Why do you want to join?: I just want to be a part of the community, memeing around with people in game and on discord is pretty enjoyable. And also so vhoxel can stop flexing his out of server nitro emote perms.
Referred by: DongerWeed17701342069Whysomanynumbersidontevenknow.
Additional Details: mouseymiata
Steam Name(Current): misery (aka shirorena )
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 200 hours on ttt and 60+ more in lobby ig
Where did you hear about this server?: Found it by mistake trying to join moatclone, stayed ever since because rpg ttt better than moatcloner
Have you ever been banned and why?: nope
Why do you want to join?: I just want to be a part of the community, memeing around with people in game and on discord is pretty enjoyable. And also so vhoxel can stop flexing his out of server nitro emote perms.
Referred by: DongerWeed17701342069Whysomanynumbersidontevenknow.
Additional Details: mouseymiata