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Echo Dart

Echo Dart

Primary fire:
- Launches a dart (projectile speed lower than dart gun. Holding the "use" key will charge the launch power. Higher launch power will grant speed and trajectory bonuses but remove the ability to bounce).
- Adheres to the first surface it comes into contact with but can bounce once depending on the angle of impact. If this hits a player it cannot bounce if it hits a player in the head that player is actively highlighted through walls for the duration of the darts life.
- Once the dart has been stuck to a surface it will let out a pulse. Functioning almost identically to Echo shot's trait except for the pulse itself is visible to everyone while the people caught in the pulse are only visible to the person who fired the dart.

Secondary fire:
- destroys the dart (applies a 30-second cooldown)
- upon manually destroying the dart anyone marked by the pulse and still within its radius are actively highlighted through walls for 5-15 seconds depending on proximity to the dart. Killing a highlighted player halves the cooldown.

Dart stats for balance:
- 1 dart per reload and can only be reloaded when no cooldown is active
- time between pulses = 1 second?
- HP = 20-25 (deteriorates 1 per pulse)
- Instantly destroyed by discombobs, fire, explosion damage, and trophy grenades
- applies a 10-second cd when destroyed by people other than the person that fired it

model: https://cso.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Legacy_Luger

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