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Earl - Member App

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): Earl

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): TTT- 280 Lobby- 80

Where did you hear about this server?: NTG, took a break from gmod for like 5-6 years

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope

Why do you want to join?: Started playing Gmod again about 4 months ago and cant seem to get away from this server. The community is great!

Referred by: Lee

Additional Details: bad rng

+1 This guy's pretty funny, and he does indeed play

+1 believe me when I tell you this motherfucker DOWNS SOME ELMER'S. I thought it was a joke when we went out for lunch and he only ordered a diet coke but i guess he needed something fizzy enough to clean the ruined internals of this motherfucker's esophagus after the 8th tube of school glue. He's alright though.

Ive known earl for awhile. NTG to FRG and cant belive he never got or went for member till now. +1 regardless if he is better at phas than me

+1 big whale here

See him around regularly and super relaxed to play TTT with, definitely a big +1 from me and represents this community well.

Been seeing him regularly on ttt this season pass, have had 0 issues with him


Quality guy, absolute gem. One you take home and introduce to the parents soon after meeting. 10/10 would blindly walk down a corridor with him behind me at the start of the round. +1

+1 This guy is chill, I RDM'd him and he just brushed it off like I was filth and being disregarded like that completely is one of my major turn ons.

+1, he's laid back and a good person to have on the server

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