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Poll: Rarer (But with better rewards) Challenge Scrolls?
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Rarer but more rewarding Challenge Scrolls

(06-17-2020, 08:58 PM)Bruhssx Wrote:  I think one thing I'd like to do for now is lower the frequency of the current kill challenges that gilded applies to. Replacing them with a range of other challenges that don't use the kill-credit system we have,
such as kills with certain T weapons, secondary only kills, get x amount of post-round drops on TTT, or any other challenges myself or others can think of.

This doesn't mean those challenges wont exist, I'm just ensuring there's more of a gap between them. So you can't get say, Melee kills followed by a short puzzle, followed by body kills followed by <some tier here. kills. There will be a gap between the kills, the goal is to hopefully make TTT a little less sweaty and give people a break from feeling forced to use their gilded guns.
It'd be something, yeah. Should help out with how things currently are - All I get really are X kills with Y gun and sliders it seems anyways.

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