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Weapon ideas

Godlike ability: Tripwire.
Place up to 4 slams. The effect depends on how many are out. This only works on the opposite role in TTT. You can't stack the effect on someone who has the effect, but they also don't trigger another one until it runs out. If you fail to put a wire down within 10 seconds of the first, it goes into a cooldown. This is to prevent putting 1 wire down, letting it proc, and putting another down.
  1. Hit a wire when theres 4 deployed: Timed Tracking, 60% chance to bleed, 60% to poison
  2. Hit a wire when theres 3 deployed: Timed Tracking, 100% bleed, 15% chance to put a bear trap at their feet.
  3. Hit a wire when theres 2 deployed: Timed Tracking, 100% bleed, 20% chance to ragdoll. Killing anyone whose tracked resets your tripwire cooldown.
  4. Hit a wire when theres 1 deployed: Unlimited Tracking, 100% bleed, This person has a -25% damage reduction for a short time. Killing this person cloaks you and refills your ammo.

For PVE purposes, just have it explode/deal damage to enemies near it.

Tomahawk misc,
Super high deploy speed. Gimmick: Whenever you take it out, you have 1 second to wind it up, which will throw it. If it isn't thrown, you are forced back to magneto stick and adds a counter to it. Each counter makes the tomahawk weaker. Arcs heaver than an arrow from the bows. Only a tomahawk without any counters can 1 shot kill. Can't pick it up after thrown.

Crypt of the Necrodancer tier. Bars come from the side of your screen and if you shoot when they meet, it increases the gun's counter. The gun's counter increases how much damage the gun does. Not shooting or failing to match the bars resets the counter. This tier has high clip and is only for semi auto guns.

I like the Tomahawk idea, I imagine it in my head similarly to Snowball Wind up like in Santa Fight.

I like the Tripwire Godlike, too. I'm totally down for Sabetour class weapons.
I think the Crypt of the Necrodancer idea would be a good monthly weapon; sounds a lot like the Gamblers gun. (idk its full name)

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