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cheny - unban request

Steam Name (Current): cheny

Steam Name (During incident): cheny

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:67853406

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095972541/

Name of staff you were banned by:Beebee1303

Length of the ban:1 month

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?Confusedhortened, back down to its original week

Reason for ban:toxicity

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:yes

What really happened?:well, i kinda forgot that my actions have consequences, and acted as if i own the place and could do what i wanted, i said the words "retard" and "kill your self" excessively, more then usual, and rdm'd a few times, i was specifically toxic to this one person who for some odd reason i had a vendetta against.

Additional details: well, for the 4-5 days i've been banned, ive released how little i do, i go to school, then come home and sleep, it kinda sucks not even having something to look forward at the end of the day, i kinda just have to look forward to sleeping, i would usually be hype to come home and do dailies and things of that sort, but now releasing how little i do, and how sad it is, i kinda need something to do, i would try to give you a decent reason for absurd amount of toxicity recently, but its really just family and health problems recently, and i shouldnt be taking that out on people who dont deserve it, so i'd like to say sorry for it, problems outside of the game shouldnt be taken out at the game and i understand that, so sorry, now i highly doubt this is gonna work in the slightest as knowone really seems to give 2 shits about the fact i was banned, but i guess its worth a shot, thank you for reading my sob story, and when i come back i will be changed, and ill put money on it.
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

I'd be okay with shortening the ban considering this is what I believe his first ban on FRG. He seems to understand what he did wrong and this might be a good opportunity for him to proof himself and his behavior on FRG. +1 to a ban shortening.

i dont have too much to say about this and i dont want to be biased because i'm his friend, but i know cheny as a pretty funny guy with a short temper. he yells about dumb shit that he shouldn't and hes just a teen who says things without thinking. i honestly dont think it should be shortened to 1 week, but maybe 2 or 3. he kinda got ricked with the ban, but he was pretty toxic to newer players or mothmen. im gonna leave this at a +0 because im not trying to be biased about anything as i said earlier.

personally never witnessed any toxicity incidents outside of what's reasonable banter.
seems uncharacteristic of cheny to do anything to warrant anything longer than a week ban, and the month ban he was issued is ridiculous with no further context to go off of.

absolutely shorten or remove it at this point.


+1 It's undeniable that cheny was being toxic, but that should not be a month ban lmao.

(09-07-2019, 01:50 AM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  

From watching the entire video the way that you recorded honestly pissed me off, I could see nothing besides just mics which is just completely pointless IMO. There were a few times where he was toxic, around 2:00, 2:45, 4:06, and that one time he rdmed magickarp. Before that he was mostly joking around from what I could hear, he did say earlier he was going to RDM magickarp, but then I also heard he started shooting people, so that kill was justified. All in all I hear 1 rdm, and a few times where hes toxic. To be fair at the end he was not even the one who started the toxicity, he was being "attacked" (for lack of better words) by other people. Although cheny is a toxic fellow and has his fair share of times where he gets way too angry, I do not believe he should be banned for this long, nor do I think that the entire nearly 5 minute video showed much about Cheny being toxic. As stated previously yes, he said dumb shit, but most of that seemed to be fucking around, but when it actually comes down to it its hard to differentiate the toxicity from the messing around, without having visual evidence. Because of the manner that this was recorded its hard to get anything out of it besides what he says, and even with that I'm still going to side with cheny for a shorter ban. I'm friends with both BeeBee and cheny and I am indifferent with the both of them, cheny can really piss me off at times. At the end of this however it just seems like theres bad blood between the 2 of you and thats why he was given such a long ban. I am by no means wanting him to be completely unbanned because he does need to learn, he needs to lower toxicity, but the amount that he did I believe it should be no longer than a 1 week ban.

Well, if you were truly sorry like you say in this post, then why are you still acting aggressive to other members on discord? Changing your name to "i got ricked" on discord isn't helping your case either, your situation isn't anything like Ricks. Most reports we've gotten over you have all been about you being toxic to new players because they are "moatmen". I spoke to multiple staff members regarding your ban time and a lot suggested 3 weeks to a month. You literally stated you didn't care if you get banned at one point, and here we are now.

Other references on your ban that has let up to:


I like you man but I have heard you be really toxic a lot lately in game, I know you may mean it as a joke or sarcasm a lot but the way you say stuff often makes it seem really unpleasant, so although I wasn't there for the incident you got banned for, I'm not really too surprised it happened. You seem to think that just because certain words are technically allowed, that you can just throw them out and use them in anyway you want. I'm not against reducing the ban though, just try to calm down a bit sometimes.

You targeted a new person, called him "literally retard" (3:13) along with a string of unnecessary comments towards him, threaten to rdm him to teach him a lesson not to delay, announce that you were going to rdm the new guy cause he was cocky, and outside the teaching in front of a mod. Hell someone warned you to stop and told you a mod was on.

Along with shitting on a new guy after he killed a T and damaged you for 20 damage. I know you didn't see that, just protecting the person that sent the video, you'll have to take my word for it.

Then a kys to a new guy. Like Dreadark said, you can say those words but does it look good? Does it look good that a member of our community is throwing retard and kys like it is confetti on New Years?

Like Eclipse said, what you've done after the ban doesn't help you at all. If you were more graceful about the ban then I could see a chance.

P.S. Eclipse forgot to put down when you were shitting on Asuna. Asuna was complaining that he hasn't gotten anything and you just went to town on him, in front of Mouse and I. I had to gag you cause you were such an asshole.

Okay, so I've been trying to remain unbiased as a staff member. I'm going to say +1 to shorten, but this will seem like i'm trying to damn him more than it seems.

Staff side of me:

looking at the evidence posted by eclipse and beebee, I have to say Eclipse's is a little more damning imho, like the onuris incident. That's pretty rough stuff. I have noticed that Cheny has been a little bit toxic lately, since the Moat Exodus. It's been a clusterfuck to say the least, there's lots of new players, some of which are toxic too. Despite the countless warnings issued against him, he still persisted. He does need a break, I think, but I don't know 1 month is really the length for it, maybe 2 weeks, tbh. This is still his first ban, despite a long track record in the community where he's been an active member for months/years. While that longstanding status should tell us he should know better, I still believe that every once in a while, we kinda let things get out of hand.

Personal side:

Cheny is a good friend to me. He makes me laugh on a bad day, he's gifted me things, and he helps new players as long as they aren't overly obnoxious being very friendly, lending them things to help out, etc. I've personally heard and said much worse than he's said in server. People say KYS, shit like that all the time. He does step pretty far over the line sometimes, but then again, so have I. We all overstep a little bit sometimes. He's not a bad person at heart, he just needs to step back and really think about what he's about to do. It's how we learn as a people. Trial and error. He's a good soul, a good friend, and can make you have a good fucking laugh when you need one. He's reliable, and abides by the rules a good majority of the time that i'm around him.

Again, +1 to shorten, admin discretion, but I say 1 more week oughta sweat him out of it.

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