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Nerf Beam Swords

I've been using beam sword and omfg is it cancer. The "Combo" increase firerate and you can deflect bullets
Combo is pressing R and left or right clicking unless there is another combo that i didnt konw about.
Anyways i suggestion to remove the deflect section of the Combo. You really can't do shit when your vs a player with beam sword since 1. they can crouch and protect most of there body with E and then spam R and jump instantly to you and beat the living fuck of you WHILE deflecting your only change of living.

honestly from what I'm told it sounds like complete cancer. You either shoot at them and run out of ammo (then die), or try and run away (then get your back shot and die). Just another little thing that seems to make gameplay less and less fun.

just use shurikens 4head

I have no problem with beam swords. A big complaint is the deflecting of bullets but its a 2 second window and there's a noticeable animation for when someone is deflecting bullets. It's pretty easy to just stop shooting and wait for the 2 second window to be done.

I'm not sure if there is a cooldown for the deflecting of bullets or not. If you are able to just spam it and endlessly deflect bullets then there should definitely be a cooldown. Also your post makes it seem like there is a combo that both swings and deflects? I haven't experienced that but if that is the case then that should definitely be reworked as well.

Also also also while we are talking about beam swords they should be disabled on lyrus fights. It's literally impossible to die from lyrus if you have one.

An argument is that u can just aim around the beam sword (like at feet or at left arm) and just not aim at the other 60% of their body, but its not easy to do that with the mobility on the beam sword when they're running around. A possible change i would like to see could be so that when a person with a beam sword deflects bullets it slows them down a small amount, or you can only deflect while walking.

(08-17-2019, 02:16 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  An argument is that u can just aim around the beam sword (like at feet or at left arm) and just not aim at the other 60% of their body, but its not easy to do that with the mobility on the beam sword when they're running around. A possible change i would like to see could be so that when a person with a beam sword deflects bullets it slows them down a small amount,  or you can only deflect while walking.

When you activate the deflect thing your movement should reduce to walking speed. Yeah that's a good change.

It's literally easy to just wait for their deflect to end and then shoot them, i think ur just mad cuz bad @Micro. Sorry bout it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It also deflects while swinging it normally, it makes it really hard to kill someone rushing you with it.

Like i stated. you can basically infinity deflect by Pressing E and when your deflect runs out you can Spam R and keep swinging and switch between those 2.
1. Add a reduction to movement or mobility when u are blocking
2. set a cooldown between the E and R combo so you cant keep switching between the 2 infinity

imo the most overpowered part is the fact that you have a 50% chance to disarm them

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