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Poll: Should an untradeable copy of the Monthly item drop after 20+ full daily completions?
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A change to the monthly daily reward system

This is going to get stupid levels of flak, and honestly its probably a sort of shitty idea, but after doing the dailies most of the days this month (I slacked on a few, gimme a break) and not smelling even a whiff of that unique Warbanner, my salt levels are rising gradually (but steadily). It doesn't feel fair to me to play daily and try to get this Warbanner, yet get shafted due to pure RNG on a time-limited drop. Now, I can already see the arguments here, and heard one thanks to unpoke (Comparing the dailies to, say, limited event stuff; i.e jolly grenade mod from Santa. The differences there is that while everyone can only do 6 dailies a day, no more no less, people can do theoretically unlimited amounts of santa, etc).

So, before you start reee'ing down below, this is what I propose:
If you complete at least 20 days, maybe even 25, of all the dailies for those days*, you get an untradeable copy of the monthly unique.
The EXCEPTION to this is if you RNG and drop one before that, then you will NOT get a copy of it, untradeable or not. This is purely for if you got truly shafted.

My reasoning is that these monthly uniques sound really fun and like they could bring a lot of cool stuff to the table, but it truly hurts to just be shafted out of pure luck.**
If you don't like it, that's fair enough, that's why I'm adding a poll. You can just vote and ignore if you'd like, majority rules, Brass decides anyways without too much sway from us.
But please.
Think of the non-Alex's on the server.
Think if your boy.
Or just...

*: Credit to Tonifur for this idea
**: Also buying warbanner PLEASE SELL

we had a conversation similar to this in the discord a few days ago, and generally speaking it boils down to this: the monthly uniques are MEANT to be rare. Frankly, everyone being able to have one with as minimal effort as the dailies take just over a month would basically make them not worth anything.
It's not as if you can't buy one later, in the same way that you can now trade for a coal launcher which released as an RNG-droppable unique with a lot of interesting quirks, namely, being a secondary slot shotgun. The coal launcher probably won't even be as reasonably-attainable as these monthly droppables will be, as brass has said he intends to make/is considering making it a more-rare drop from when the calendar loops around in a year, but it's likely the launcher won't make a return in a similar fashion.

You shouldn't get even more guaranteed return on what is essentially something you do passively now by just playing TTT.

yes. I've done all the dailies since i started on this server (about 2 weeks ago) and it just sucks to not get it.

Just trade for one if you don't get one yourself. Good deals

Honestly love items like this where rare actually means rare, would prefer it remains the same.

I mean if you can do all the dailies for 25 days, I see no reason why that wouldn't deserve the monthly prim. I sure as heck wouldn't put that much effort into a prim but all the power to people who have that much commitment.

But I see the other side of the argument too. I just understand the frustration of never getting it and then having to buy one but I suppose that's like most things on the server.

I agree with what Brass said before, it should be rare. While you're doing the dailies you're getting crates, keys, and a chance (f u Moz) for a scroll. It aint for nothing doing the piss easy dailies.

I understand wanting it to be more common, but then it would lose value and the cool factor. Plus we're pretty fucking spoiled already of how easy frg has become. We need some challenge or locked content that not everyone will get.

Most of the dailies aren't challenges that you have to go too out of your way to do (Kills, damage, walking, t/d wins, etc) and like beebee said, you're still being rewarded with crates and keys while doing so.

I think it's nice to have items that aren't incredibly rare but also still rare and special to obtain at the same time. To give everybody a gaurenteed copy would ruin the specialness of actually getting one.

If you aren't lucky enough to drop one yourself, there's nothing stopping you from eventually getting one by trading, because there's bound to be somebody out there willing to sell.

nobody will sell one
and nobody seems to care that the one you get would be untradeable Sad
I feel like the whole jewish merchant economy of FRG is what is going to kill it. People just want to hoard, they don't care about just getting something that's fun to use. Normally in a game if something is fun I'll get it, and if a game limits that, its usually annoying. But that's OK, I'm an oldbie and times are changing.

I can see both sides of this but personally id agree with a method to get a lesser version of it after doing majority of the month worth. But brass did mention a decent method to give extra rolls at end of the month based on your daily completion rate.
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