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Two Suggestions: (One shotgun related, one mini-game related)

Hello all, I didn't want to make two threads for this as one of these ideas was a joke I made in discord that actually had a lot of positive reception so I said I'd include it with what I actually wanted to suggest.


Let me be frank, shotguns suck. I used to own a server so I know they're almost impossible to balance with them being either completely OP or just awful in general. My suggestion is more of a quality of life change I'd like to see. Reloading a shotgun is basically just signing your own death certificate, especially if you have a habit of reloading after each kill or when combat ceases. It would be nice since our shotgun is a pump action if we weren't locked into the reload animation. I've played on servers where you could stop the shotguns mid reload and start firing. The way our shotgun works is if you have a maximum capacity of 10 shells and you currently have 3 shells and you go to reload, you can do nothing until the shotgun is back to 10 shells.

What I would like to get changed is as thus: for example if your maximum capacity is 10 shells and you currently have 2 shells and you start reloading but get attacked after you already loaded 3 shells into the chamber you would start firing immediately with a capacity of 5 shells which is inline with how a shotgun works in reality.

Seconded suggestion (forgive me it's a bit trolly and I'm hesitant to post this but I was encouraged to do so)

Orbital rounds

They just take forever and most people do not find them fun. My suggestion to help speed them up and give people something more to do when running around is add items to it. I think people would find it more interesting if everyone had a bear trap that did 0 damage for example. This would add a tactical aspect to it more-so than it has already with people trying to kill others by dropping orbitals on them. I feel this could work to speed up the rounds and encourage more interaction with the players rather than most people just going afk as they currently do. If a bear trap that does 0 damage is not a possibility I feel that something that ices or slows other players could also work to have a similar effect.

Thanks for your time in reading this.  

I like the suggestion for the shotgun because it really would be an improvement but the obc has already been sped up and honestly its wAY faster than it used to be. If it were to be sped up any faster I don't think it'd be as fun or beneficial, just a minigame about giant lazers killing people in a minute. I tend to enjoy the challenge of dodging lazers and speeding it up would just be annoying but thats me personally.

Shotguns- Hell yea, should work like in Left for Dead.

Obc- I do like Obc rounds, but that lasts about the first 2 of the day. After that it just becomes an "afk round" as Gfk and a lot of other folks LOVE saying. There is a shit ton of tokens and it just becomes tedious after the first couple. If a way to speed up even faster from an "afk round" while making it skill based, I think it would be perfectly fine if not be a little bit more fun.

just give everyone an OBC cannon at 10 people left

I agree with everyone having OBCs. Right at the start. 24 person beam round. Good idea Tobi. I actually want this though and don't take it as sarcasm.

Don't change obc rounds Cry
If anything, make it a guaranteed chance for last 3 to get obc, or last 5, but I like them how they are personally. They're more of a chill minigame and the loot is pretty good. What Kcat said basically.

But +1 to shotgun suggestion

I feel like something was missed by making the deimos not also drop from obc rounds.

+1 to shotguns reload change. This would be a great idea.

OBC: Ehh...There already pretty fast, though sometimes they do take a little longer. Instead of random chance for top 3, id say garuntee top 3 or 5 OBC fight
Bear traps would not work, so many smaller maps would become a nightmare with this
Vanished from life

The shotgun change would be really cool to see actually.

i need to stop doing this

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