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Fear Revenge RDM

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Fear

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:56463847

Map the event happened on: Mcdonalds

Date of event: 3/28/19

What Happened?: I was shooting people before the round started, i got my t round, didn't kill anyone yet, and Fear said that I had killed someone and killed me. The round beforehand, I had killed him because it looked as he was holding an energy sword. I've been killed before because someone had the same visual glitch. I have reason to belive that he was only doing this because i had killed him the round before

Witnesses: Kcat

Evidence: https://gyazo.com/0f49749c8881ef390527b149ba080efc

thats all a lie there is no fuckin visual bug thats a cover up you very clearly purposefully rdmed me and you killed someone right at the start of the round

Lil yeet did not kill anyone, the first log of that round was Fear killing Lil yeet. Also, idk if those kind of visual bugs exist but this seems to be a big misunderstanding. Even so, it doesn't look good for Fear at all.

Someone has killed me before and told me that it looked like i was holding an energy sword

These both seem like pretty petty reports based around some dispute you guys have been having all day.
Please play more civilly, both of you, or you'll share the same consequences for it. There's really no need to hold over drama into the game with other players, we have a !block system and a few other ways to avoid contacting specific people if you can't handle them.

Further drama will cause punishment for both of you, so chill out.

- That Thrakos Noob

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