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I'll go into depth about this since my response was serious, but also a little meme-y.
Mobility trait is something I specialize in, I collect, I love. I have over 250+ weapons with the trait itself, and thus my bank is crying for more storage space. Am I biased? Maybe.
Do I know more about the trait than you? I would say so.
Here's the thing.
Your suggestion is to make it a flat 40%, no additive, no nothing. If the weapon has high mobility, it doesn't matter, if it has negative, it doesn't matter. They all become 40%.
Here's the thing. Weapons that have high mobility already on them are balanced around that fact. What you're suggesting is weapons such as demonic, vengeful, eerie, crystallized etc etc. ALL very powerful tiers based upon the fact
that they go for power and damage while sacrificing mobility. if these tiers have mobility on kill they all become positive mobility for 25 seconds. Even though any weapon with neutral or positive mobility would have more mobility than these weapons, they are now powerhouses full of damage and mobility. What you're suggesting would BUFF the very REASON the tiers are BALANCED. Seems dumb in retrospect huh?
This goes both ways, weapons with higher mobility usually come with damage or firerate downsides, Why are those going to be punished for the very fact of what they're balanced for even without the trait?
Lets talk about mobility itself.
It's been calculated that the highest mobility you can reach would be somewhere around 140% + ???.
This would be with 3 mobility trait weapons all proccing in 3 kills, Fists of djinn or sand gauntlet aswell as the ??? unconfirmed additive speed that is snowglobe.
That's a lot of prep time. For only at most about 5 seconds of maximum speed IF THAT.
You're suggesting that they're annoying to fight against, however. You're only taking into account your own aim. Sure, maybe you can't adjust your aim well enough to hit someone going nearly three or four times your speed.
You're not taking into account the time limit on that, their own aim being impacted by the speed given and their own skill being put into play. If they can adjust their aim to hit someone while going at that speed, why can't you?
It's one of the only skill rewarding traits, and is only awarded for actually killing someone. It's supposed to be used as an escape tool first, then a tool for killing second.
Mobility is a first class escape tool for traitors, don't suggest nerfing it because someone was going too fast for you to get your last challenge kill.