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Super Melee Rethink

blahblah trident overpowered (it really is though)
The real problem is melees have been useless and not viable at all since weapons became actually powerful, and outside of melee-specific fights, they're impossible to use.
I gotta few suggestions on how to make some of them more useful and further diversify the play style of individuals on the server -

Normie Melees:

Doomscooper is fine.

I personally think the sledgehammer is pretty good as is since its rarity is the closest to a regular crowbar. The one thing I think would be cool is if it had a second "swing" animation that was horizontal and did a sweep area damage. Possible to break down doors?

Should have a swing pattern that does maybe 2 vertical swings and then a horizontal swing. If it's hitting a player on the neck with a horizontal swing and that player is under 20hp, it should decapitate them. Also possible to break down doors?

Focus on the "ninja" part of the name, that's always been the coolest part about it. A secondary ability to deflect a single bullet or projectile would be a really nice feature to have. I don't think it'd be overpowered if the timing had to be really precise and short with a longer cooldown. It would be fun to see a DoW ball coming at you and be able to send it away or if you're rushing a sniper, the ability to predict the shot and deflect it back at them like a true Genji main. (obviously the duration would be much shorter than genji's)

Its a fukkin magical sword on par with Excalibur. It should probably have some kinda magical-charged powershot or maybe the ability to hit some kind've combo-move on someone. It would be really nice and probably help with melee-challenge scrolls a lot when people can't afford higher-end melees.

Hylian Shield:
I think it's pretty solid. I'm not sure how it deals with projectiles but should probably be able to block those too if it can't already. Same with Mirror Shield.

Big ass cleaver should definitely severely slow people for a slow duration when they're hit by it. Probably give it a better chance to drop with bleed too, that thing feels heavy as fuck, probably doesn't feel good to get hit by it.

Fists of Djinn:
Just punches should probably shake people's screen a lot more is all.

I don't even remember what the godswords do off the top of my head, I think they're kinda nasty as they are, I'm not a fan. Time to hit the index to see what they do...

Anarchic Godsword:
Added passive ability, immunity/nullifies effects from ice/blizzards.
Added active ability, hit "E" to affect everyone in a decent range with Blizzard. This would consume the right click charge.

Avian Godsword:
Added active ability, ability to leap (kinda like moonboots, but without the bounce & a cooldown inbetween leaps).
Added active ability, hit "E" to "roll the dice", giving a chance to either heal or damage yourself.

Barbaric Godsword:
Added passive ability, whenever you take damage from another player you gain mobility speed. Stacks.
Added active ability, hit "E" to give yourself +100hp and some extra mobility, can't swap weapons or drop it. If you don't get a kill within 15 seconds, you die, otherwise you go back to whatever health you were at prior to using this. You cannot use right click while using this ability.

Sagacious Godsword:
Added passive ability, each hit applies a stat increase to your weapons for the rest of the round.
Added active ability, hit "E" to apply an AoE field that gives everyone inside a health regen (each individual can get +25 health including yourself) and mobility boost. This can get you to full health, but won't give more than 25hp.) Would consume right click charge and have a longer cooldown.

Bloodweep of Damnation:
Change the right click from a push function to a horizontal sweep that can hit multiple targets at once. Maybe there should be a small area around the neck where if you hit them there with the horizontal swing, it'll decapitate them (obvi would kill them). Would be a cooldown on this swing.

Staff of Osiris:
THERES SO MUCH STUFF THAT CAN BE DONE. Spawning like 3 zombie waves would be cool, can be random types, literally spawn them like pikmin in Smash Bros or some shit and control them like that. Maybe if you're a T, they could have a chance to infect people they hit but otherwise just do damage or tank shots. Enable ult in TTT that can cure infected people/yourself? Make the right click launch everyone back. The left click is okay, might be nice to make it lock on only when close to someone.

Deathbringer (melee) is probably fine.

Flereous is definitely fine.

Doing this is a lot of work for sure, but it could change the way people play TTT and give them more individualized playstyles. I think it would be about as effective as adding a whole new inventory slot would when it comes to gameplay, I definitely think it'd be worth it.  

- That Thrakos Noob

i flushed out my own post with apps

- That Thrakos Noob

What about the sand gauntlet?

(03-04-2019, 09:38 PM)Poison Wrote:  What about the sand gauntlet?

Forgot that one existed, I've hardly any time with it on the server so it's hard to put an opinion, if you have ideas though you should post 'em.

- That Thrakos Noob

I would say for it to cause a sandstorm that would blur vision and do damage like the blizzard grenades as well as it to have the ability to work in events would make it good.

what about the HAAAATCHET
Umpty Dumpty

doomscooper should have most of these abilities put into it and increase swing speed

(03-04-2019, 11:12 PM)Dreadark Wrote:  doomscooper should have most of these abilities put into it and increase swing speed

Can we get a size stat on the spoon so it can go from tiny babby spoon to nytemart ogre spoon

I'd recommend a size range of -50% - +3000%

Big +1 to this as I personally find melees as they are to be bland and I only use em for challenges this change would make using melees unique as it should be

Uhh, Flereous?
Bouncy Rounds

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