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new weekend idea

so we have double xp weekends already and thats pretty dope.

But as a way to possibly increase player count and just make things more fun for a time

Double drop chance weekends

so its a very simple idea that can happen every 2 months or 3 months and for a weekend drop chances could be cut in half so if globals are 1 in 15000 they would become 1 in 7500. for that weekend events weapon drops could be but by 75% instead of the 50% and event cooldowns could all be balanced to 12 hours and not refreshable (bloodwynd and castle and worm queen kraken aswell can all be the half drop chance).

The event would take place every few months so that it would not drop everything to be very common.

I agree with this strongly.

Considering everything drops like hotcakes anyways, I'd say a cooler implementation would be special end-round drop items in the same concept. Not from events, not from crates, only end-round TTT to promote people to actually play on it. If special new items is too much work, sure, just make it drop goodies or something.

We should have people going on the lobby LESS.

Basically no one is doing events. whats the point of having events if no one is playing them, there needs to be something done to revive the events.

(02-22-2019, 05:49 AM)Terran Wrote:  Considering everything drops like hotcakes anyways, I'd say a cooler implementation would be special end-round drop items in the same concept. Not from events, not from crates, only end-round TTT to promote people to actually play on it. If special new items is too much work, sure, just make it drop goodies or something.

We should have people going on the lobby LESS.

well if you want that how about instead of that we make it so the items from events can be dropped in ttt end round/giveaways and they have the lower drop chance. Or make crates not be effected by the double drop chance. I dont think new items need to be added special when there are plenty of undiscovered like the grims godlike for years

All this does is increase incentive to play over weekends, meaning less reason to play over the weekdays. I don't want to increase that divide even more to the point people only play TTT over the weekend since every other day isn't "worth" it anymore.

(02-22-2019, 06:03 AM)MicroBoss Wrote:  Basically no one is doing events. whats the point of having events if no one is playing them, there needs to be something done to revive the events.

Basically no one is doing TTT. Whats the point of being a TTT server is no one is playing TTT. Something needs to be done to revive TTT.
^This is the mindset post halloween when a new event comes out and it's all anyone does.

1. New event comes out, it's fresh, exciting, and very fun on release.
2. Loot is very good leading to everyone wanting to do the event as much as possible.
3. TTT numbers dwindle
4. TTT update, usually involving loot creep (see luck maps, giveaway, ultra giveaway, deposit system, challenge scrolls)
5. TTT numbers recover
6. Why is nobody doing events??? <you are currently here

We've been in this cycle for quite some time and I don't see it changing any time soon.

Quote:Basically no one is doing events. whats the point of having events if no one is playing them, there needs to be something done to revive the events.
They are still played, though not as frequently. IoD is still ran a lot.

I don't like this suggestion though, because it just doesn't stop. Loot buff happens, people like it for awhile, then it gets to the point they think it's bad, then need more buffs, and the cycle never ends.

It's no longer about what is 'fun' to do for a lot of our players, it's about what is 'optimal' to do for maximum profits, while maybe not wanting to die of boredom.

I still think the more optimal solution is a daily/weekly quest system for events. One could be to clear one with a 'randomly assigned' party (sign up for it, and it randomly spits out parties to go with), others could be to just clear it, do it within a time limit, kill x amount of enemies (over multiple event runs), etc. These challenges/quests would award loot when completed.

I play the events for fun, when I want to, and I don't see doing one over and over as fun. Heck, I don't even fight worm queen usually, maybe once here and there. The events are some of FRG's coolest aspects with a lot of work and some amazing detail put into them, but I hate seeing the lobby suck up TTT players. It always goes something like we have a good group on TTT, then some people leave to lobby, then some people leave because there are less people, then the server is dead. Happens constantly.

The initial idea on why wind posted this is because I said something very similar to it. My interpretation to it was that it was so random that this only happens basically like it would only happen once and was super limited that more people would play during those days. Brass would decide a one weekend event (sat, sun) of any weekend of any year where the unique drops were severely dropped in chance, I'm talking like 1 in 20 for the normal godlikes, like 75% reduced for the ones like Morgoth's sword because I don't know the chance.

The cooldowns of every event that you ejoin would be increased to 12 hours, VIP or no VIP, and no rune of refreshing can be used. To make it so the prices of the current holders wouldn't get so mad, Any event that you have to ejoin get simultaneously cooldowns, meaning you can only do one of them per 12 hours. To make it further fair, alts that can trade aren't allowed either unless they're like level 50. This would make more people play TTT in the meantime because they would want to watch their cooldowns.

Knowing that you only get 3 chances makes deciding on what event you want to attempt to get the godlike from very hard because there's so many events with small amount of godlikes that we would like to see being used more.

I don't know what should happen if your team fails, but maybe that's where you can rune of refreshing?

It's that or you could do what wind was going to suggest but then decided not to because it's a little more greedy of us to suggest because Tobi just lowered them. That idea being incorporate double challenge kills weekend or some increased challenge kills thing.

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