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Automatic Item Discarder/Key Creator

For a cost of fragments or coins, we should be able to rent items that will automatically turn 10 of any rarity/type of gun we let it into a key, or scrap anything below a rarity/without a suffix/etc. Honestly, I find rolling crates super boring and I don't like it very much, but its nice to get stuff and its one of the best ways. I'd love to buy, say, 500 crates and just queue 'em all up and leave that shit. Get 10 unlikelys? Let it turn into a key automatically and stack up.

Just quality of life, its not fun to roll crates. I know some will say "but den ppl will afk dem cr8s", but people already manualyl roll and then key like, fucking hundreds to thousands. If at the very least, let us automatically discard anything below X rarity.

Good coinsink idea, only works for x amount of times before being destroyed and requiring you to buy another one?

(08-28-2018, 12:15 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Good coinsink idea, only works for x amount of times before being destroyed and requiring you to buy another one?

That was sort of the idea, yeah.

id be ok with 10 keys max per item, with like 5k per item.

Or make it take more items per key, as a "tax" for not using cyrene.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Just gonna bump/update this, there should be a one-time-purchase permanent "item" that lets you filter drops (i.e rolling item crate 1's and don't want standards? Filter them out entirely, so they won't go into your inventory.), but then a separate item for turning things into keys. Perhaps depending on the tier, costs would differ. Totally spitballing here, but something like:
(All of these would be stackable items that, when not locked, would automatically turn 10 of an item into a key. They would NOT turn anything with a suffix or traits (perhaps an F1 menu setting to play around with this) into keys.)

100 Coins/1 Fragments: 3x Tier 1 Keyers
250 Coins/2 Fragments: 3x Tier 2 Keyers
500 Coins/3 Fragments: 3x Tier 3 Keyers
1000 Coins/5 Fragments: 3x Tier 4 Keyers
1500 Coins/6 Fragments: 3x Tier 5 Keyers

Again, just totally random numbers, but they'd stack infinitely and take up a sole inventory space. If you have one locked (a stack/individual), it won't "use" them to make keys automatically.

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