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Radioactive Twinkelz Ban Appeal

I say give him a 2 week ban and an inventory wipe. Teach him not to scam people for their guns and rat them out later. In regards to bacon.... good riddance.

(03-05-2015, 12:50 AM)McNuggie Wrote:  
(03-05-2015, 12:48 AM)◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤ Wrote:  Have i really done ANYTHING wrong until this little incident and i have supported the server a Permenant Ban in my opinion is "Unjustified", espeacially for such a small thing

Not unjustified, a ban is needed.

Maybe shortened, but definitely a ban is needed.

I would have agreed nuggie and just request the gun is removed, however now that I know he also lied to me and axe as well as a server full of people, he doesn't deserve a second chance, neither does bacon, that's low, lower than ghosting.

I agree with Cyan 100%. We don't need people like this in our community.

Id say an Inventory wipe and a 2 week ban is justfied, considering that for 1 ill be losing alot and for 2.I have supported the server and even aft the Ban i will still support the server.

No need to cause more drama tobias just leave it be.

Ive only done one bad thing really like it isnt like im some sort of horrible person (but i had taken advantage of someone, and i dont consider it in any way shape or form humane or right), i didnt ruin the server atall nor did i get mad at anyone and call them names such as "Bitch" or other foul words yes maybe i got a gun off someone but is it really such a bad crime You Aint Shit? atleast i didnt curse at everyone for my Ban and you were mad over such a small ban and a small issue.I donated over $80 to the server and i will never try to obtain that money back, nor curse at anyone for my ban. And think about this my Ban is Permanent and i can keep my cool no need to start such petty arguments.

Tobias you were asked to stop by an admin. Just let it go please.

If you're going to act like children, you'll be treated like children.
Stop with the damn flaming, and keep it about the ban appeal.
Tobias is banned for a week, and You aint received a warning.

Ok everybody calm down, I know Radioactive is not one of the scum on the server, i have seen alot bigger dicks on frg and they haven't been banned for it. What Radio did was in fact wrong though but a perma ban is way to over the top. If you truly don't want assholes on the server i  could give you a whole list. Radio was just trying to be smart, but he got caught trying to be a "fiend" for items. And also lying to people about how he got the gun isn't that big of a deal, because everyone lies. Let me ask you the adults on the server, when you guys were in highschool did you guys not lie to get out of trouble, so you wouldnt get caught doing something your not supposed to, yes you have. And if you haven't i don't know what to say,  but i know this Radio shouldn't be perma banned. Lastly, everyone deserves a second chance. No matter what. I don't care if he killed your mother, everyone deserves a second chance.

It's not as if everyone is perfect and I guaruntee nearly everyone has done something bad in their lifetime, So there's no need for everyone to act as if their angels.

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