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Class Suggestion Thread.

Ideas for some classes
Not exactly good with stats and shit these are more just ideas that probably need to be balanced a bit more

Traitor Classes
Allows for use of Pre-Nerf Bear traps and Barnacles
15% Mobility Boost
20% more damage on limb shots
-30% Deploy Speed

Lich: Ability to leech heath off of bullet damage (15% of damage done turned to health?)
Get X amount of kills to gain immortality for X seconds. (Not sure how to balance it since it'd be immunity to damage for a short amount of time, maybe like 5 seconds and it is something that you can activate like Egg TP or Lunar Plane)
+10% Reload Speed.
-25% Firerate.

Spy: Ability to cloak, going 100% invisible for 30 seconds. Minute cooldown.
While cloaked DNA does not show up on you, and any DNA within a small AoE has a 20% chance to be removed every 10 seconds.
If you back stab someone their bodies disappear and you gain their ID.
+10% Speed when cloaked.

While cloaked you can not attack.
You can not exit the cloak once activated.
While exiting cloak you make a noise.

Detective Classes
Valkyrie: Has wings, giving the ability to glide while falling.
Can give a random buff to a person of their choosing (Damage, Health, Speed, Etc.) 30 second cooldown.
+15% Damage with Melees
+30% Jump Height
-10% Mobility

Shaman: Ability to speak to the dead for 8 seconds. (Dead should be alerted when you are speaking to avoid time being wasted on you typing "Shaman here tell me things!")
Ability to enter a lunar plane like state for 5 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
+5% Mobility

Can not move while speaking to dead.
Stuck in place for 5 seconds after speaking with dead.
While stuck in place you can not talk to living players.
Traitors are alerted that you are speaking to the dead and will be able to see your position for 2 seconds.

Dog Trainer: Allows you to turn someone into a dog.
Dogs are tethered to you by a long leash.
Dogs can get DNA, bark, bite, and run. They can not talk.
You are alerted if your dog is killed.

You lose the ability to get credits
Your DNA scanner is much less effective and you can lose the DNA on every successful scan with an increasing chance every scan.

Both Classes
Monk: Ability to absorb incoming damage for 2 seconds after being damaged. 20 second cooldown
+20% Melee damage
+30% Mobility
+50% Firerate
+50 HP
Stripped of all weapons except for a pair of Fists

Barbarian: Ability to enter an enraged state, making your screen red and giving you the ability to smash the ground within an AoE dealing damage.
During the enraged state you gain the ability to run. (Should work on a stamina bar)
+20% Body Damage.
After leaving enraged state become fatigued making you lose 15% mobility.
-10% Mobility

Psion: Ability to control their own gravity. The Psion can either reverse their gravity allowing them to fly upwards, or increase it causing them to fall at extreme speeds.
Immune to fall damage.
Has a more powerful magneto stick allowing them to pick up bigger props and throw them at high speeds.
(Think Mage's magneto but you can pick up props and throw them)
When reversing gravity your screen gets flipped upside down.
When increasing gravity you are unable to jump.
There is no in-between you either have to float or stay grounded.

Changes to current classes

Necromancer: Allow the ability to turn IDed bodies into Zombies. Since this would make the challenge of making yourself a zombie boss a HELL of a lot easier you could make it so the amount you need is based off the server count or make it double the amount of what you need currently, so 3 to 6
I honestly think the others are fine, and even though Necromancer just got a ton of buffs I'd still like to be able to use the book on IDed bodies.

Just some ideas, if you have some post them. I'd like to see more people's ideas for classes.


A lot of these are pretty cool.

Maybe Monk and Valkyrie shouldn't have melee damage buff, because warrior already has a melee buff

Det only== Alchemist:
Potion item with sub uses similar to creed of necros.
Left click throw, right click drink. Drinking will be more powerful of every version.
Red- regen but takes extra damage during regen
Purple- acid cloud, if drank you emit toxic fumes, tossed makes one where you throw it
Green- increasing mobility until damaged where you lose all extra mobility

No orbs
Only one option can effect a player at once.

Traitor only == dark knight

Melee slot is replaced with a weapon that if it contacts players it will mark them for death, if you kill a player marked for death you get a DK credit, 3 DK credits max per round.
You have the option to use a DK credit in order to make a servant. (Servants have very limited function, preset loadout mini t's, who the Dark knight can harvest for buffs.)

Later examples when I'm not on phone.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

A couple of classes I thought might be cool. Most of them rely on combinations that occur between traitor/detective items. For example, I've found that warrior and moon boots are AMAZING. It's so much fun to dash with low gravity and do awesome tricks across the map.


Traitor Exclusive
Allows for the grappling of mutliple targets at once.
You have free mobility while grappling, and can also switch freely between weapons whilst doing so.
However, your targets can aim freely while being grappled.
+5% Mobility
-10% Firerate

Traitor Exclusive
-8% Mobility
+15% Firerate
All harpoons that are hit return to your hand instantly.

Detective Exclusive
+8% Mobility
-10% Damage
Your TR-8R Device recharges every 45 seconds, and you are granted one upon receiving this class if you didn't already have one.

Detective Exclusive
You can spend six seconds with a corpse that has been killed recently (within 1:30) to deduce the killer.
Upon doing so, you will be informed of that player's role, and pinged of their general location.
Should they be a traitor, your voice and text chat
privileges will be revoked until they are killed, or the round ends.
+5% Mobility
+5% Firerate

General Role
(Only available when 8+ players are online)
You ignore your counterpart's body armor, and instead deal normal damage to (detectives/traitors).
+5% Damage
+5% Mobility
+5% Firerate

that shaman one would fuck up so much shit

i need to stop doing this

(07-27-2018, 01:53 AM)Easy Wrote:  Lich: Ability to leech heath off of bullet damage (15% of damage done turned to health?)
Get X amount of kills to gain immortality for X seconds. (Not sure how to balance it since it'd be immunity to damage for a short amount of time, maybe like 5 seconds and it is something that you can activate like [color=#3399cc]Egg TP or Lunar Plane)

+10% Reload Speed.
-25% Firerate.

I like the lich, here is something I thought up.

+50% Lifesteal.
Gain X amount of Hp from lifesteal to gain Undying for X seconds. (Undying, you can't below X Hp)
+25% Reload Speed.
-40% Max Health.

I think the Shaman would be a little much, talking to dead people and all. It's interesting though for sure.

Some of these are pretty lack luster but some are pretty good I believe each Subclass should have generally interesting abilities that you have to strategize with and it isn't just automatically be something like absorbing bullet damage

My idea for the Dog trainer is they can turn a Dead Inno into an Dog once and the dog can Bark Bite and detect Dna (Barking would give the Detective a marker of the dogs location and judging on the color of the marker is situation of the dog 'I,E The dog is being shot at the dog barks and a Red Marker appears for the Det',Also Dna should last 1 And a half Times longer for the dog,Also Biting should have a secondary Heavy Attack where they tackle a person to the ground for 5 seconds and bark)

Another idea is the Marker Class for Det's They get a Golden Deagle with ONLY 6 Bullets they can shoot Innocents (And Traitors if the Traitors are sneaky enough) they trust with this Gun and it turns them into The Marked which are basically Proven (By The Det) These Inno's Have 25+ Health 10% More Mobility Are Proven to everyone (By Det's Orders) They Also are Notified of the Det's Location at all times and it is encouraged to protect him for each Marked Near the Det the Det gains a 5% Shield (Stacking with each Marked close to the det up to 30% Shield)

Thanks for taking time to read my suggestions sorry if they are a bit sloppy to read

Keep this alive, bring out some ideas my dudes. But no, seriously, I wanna be a turtle tamer.

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