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Melons - Member application

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): Melons

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 145 hours of pure fun! Smile

Where did you hear about this server?: i was told about this server a few years back by Terran and i have been here ever since

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, Never

Why do you want to join?:  I love this community very much and i would love to be able to become a member of a freindly community who treat eachother as family.

Referred by: Terran

Additional Details: I Love you Guys Smile

asked for +1's :thinking:


Doesn't really stand out, but it's not like that's a bad thing
Nice player and follows the rules +1

+0 for now

he's pretty cool when i play with him but definitely would like to see a bit more from him before i change my vote.

Melons doesn't cause any issues, but he also doesn't really stand out either.

+1 from me but you should try talking/typing more.

I played a bit when Melons was on, he went along with my schemes which i enjoy. Idk seems like a decent fella +1

I don't notice him when hes on, but I don't remember him as negative.
but I don't think he plays enough if he wishes to continue after this rank.

+1 neato durrito


- That Thrakos Noob

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