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Member Application - °Bouncy°☭°Cunter°

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): °Bouncy°☭°Cunter°

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 88 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard it at its begining when brassex started making the server, I joined it before its official release.

Have you ever been banned and why?: proberly, but i dont remmber any occurances.

Why do you want to join?: Ive been on this server since its begining and only started playing it alot now, I thought that i might aswell apply for membership while i was on the server due to its advantages to helping the server.

Referred by: Jake1o

Additional Details: stalin dindu nuffin

really dont want to -1, mostly because ive never seen you on, but im going to go ahead and do it.. ive never once seen you on, with that additional detail i legitamately cringed, and overall i feel like you need more time on the server. you havent been on in a long time, rules have possibly (highlight possibly, i wasnt on GMod let alone FRG back then.) changed and i dont quite feel like youre 100% ready to represent FRG's community. I will admit that you seem very nice and well behaved. maybe give the server more time and kind of make more of a name for yourself. if i see you on and you dont cause trouble or arent toxic my answer might change. overall, -1 sorry, have a nice day!!

+1 I have known Bouncy for like 4 years now. He makes some edgy jokes that often miss but hes a good guy. He always follows the rules and never RDMs. He is courteous of others and always apologizes if he accidentally does something wrong. He would make a fine member. +1

I've been playing with bouncy for a bit now since he joined and he does make edgy jokes but we all do that and overall he follows our rules and respects other players I'd say +1

Bouncy seems like lots of fun with his Russian accent. Has my kind of humor that makes him silly to play with.


He's been playing a lot more recently and is great to play with. He also doesn't cause much trouble which is cool. +1  

well I will just +1 him right now
he has bouncy in his name and i Like bouncy balls

well anyway he good boyo

+1 really cool to be around with and fun to play with

The handful of times I've seen him haven't been incredibly impactful so I more or less have no clue who he is

I hope to see you more and get more of an idea but until then +0

He has been quite fun to have on and seems like he would make the server quite a bit more enjoyable. Some things he definitely would need to work on but from what he has shown he would make a decent member +1

i need to stop doing this

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