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Member app

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): XxMsEvilxX

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 174.26 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: ZombieNinja975

Have you ever been banned and why?: nope

Why do you want to join?: Ive been playing for a while and i would like to be known as a member! Im not planning to stop playing FRG, especially anytime soon, so i think it would be awesome to be known as a member. Im trying to talk more and just generally get more known. I never break the rules (purposefully anyway, we are all human lmao) and i even have a decent understanding of them.

Referred by: ZombieNinja975

Additional Details:I tend not to say much when im salty, which i think is a good trait

Msevil knows the rules very well, started watching and learning the gamemode before starting. She plays quite often and is working on being more social with people, and I think shed be great member material +1

+1 she is great player to play with. also she is a bit active and we can't see her bad side since he keeps it under check which most of us should do!
Also haven't seen her do anything bad or break any rules to be honest.

Someone who has played that long and doesn't have any sort of infractions is a great choice for Member. Plus, hey, avoiding critical salt levels is something everybody has trouble with, so that's pretty good. +1.

I've never seen msevil be negative in any way, don't think I've ever seen her get reported (at least not seriously).

Very positive person and good member material +1

Yeah, she's a nice person and is pretty active. Maybe she can take my place someday so I can retire. +1

I think she is lit, enjoyable, and a person I can see having a deep conversation with about how good P90s really good

Respectful and Nice
Fits the member role

+1 for sure. She has been around forever and ive never seen her have any problems with anyone

If I can get a promise to only 1-2 bind hits per map from her, then i'll keep supporting this.

When a dragon round begins.

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