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Bjorn and Rumpus

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Bjorn, Rumpus

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:88475385 - Bjorn STEAM_0:0:79625956 - Rumpus

Map the event happened on: dm_mines

Date of event: June 11th, 2018

What Happened?: These 2 come into the server, Bjorn was chill for a bit, but then joined in on the rdm fun. They were not friends, just happened to start rdming

Witnesses: Gfkxj, witchking, co12346, Jesus Crust

Evidence: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1408753922

Was that the only RDM they did? (Well, attempt RDM, it looks like they both failed) or is there more?

(06-11-2018, 04:35 PM)Terran Wrote:  Was that the only RDM they did? (Well, attempt RDM, it looks like they both failed) or is there more?

They rdmed for basically the entire map. I didn't take more pictures because I was foolish. But, the witnesses could easily back me up.

Banned both for a week. Not sure if someone wants to extend it to a longer period or not.

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