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Jerk Butt's Member Application.

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Jerk Butt

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 182 hours.

Where did you hear about this server?: I'm a nooby NTG boy, FRG's like our sister server from a familiar father.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No.

Why do you want to join?:  I play everyday, I'm friendly and I take all sides into consideration. Sometimes I have a bit of semi-justifiable anger and small amounts of irritation like most people on the blue and green globe. But I give everyone a chance and that's all anyone needs right? I'm not gonna lie on my member app and say everyone will like me or likes me as is, But I've made quite a bit of friends on this server and being liked by everyone is unrealistic but I'll try my best.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: I'd like to be a member but if the vocal minority wouldn't like to see me as so, That is fine as well. Thanks for reading.

I known Jerk Butt Since 2016 of April/March (I think), And he was very enjoyable to play with on NTG, I would die for Jerk Butt if I must. Jerk But was (and is) a wonderful companion, He'll get salty at times (might call you a pussy after harpooning him), but otherwise his behavior is great, I don't think he'll get banned until me and him try to bypass the community market remove item listing tax again! (which we kinda got banned for a week on NTG, embarrassing *cough* Jerk's fault *cough*). In my honest opinion, Jerk Butt deserves to be a member of FRG.

Additional Details: BTW, he didn't ask me to reply to this member app., so this is 100% honesty.

+1 Jerk butt is a very nice person, though i haven't been on for that long and am not an experienced player Jerk Butt certainly is, he's very fair when it comes to everything and i honestly thought he was a member already.

I think you talk a lot. Other than that, I have no problems with you. Okay behavior, isn't shady and follows rules.

Although, not all of the talking is annoying, you do speak your mind frequently. I remember you sometime this week talking for 5 actual minutes straight trying to answer some new persons questions over everyone, even through the round. Kind of annoying when you explain literally everything without taking a breath while we were playing during a round.

I think Jerk Butt follows the rules and just is a good guy all around. He would make a fine member in my eyes +1

I'll have to agree with TJ, Jerk Butt does tend to speak a bit too much, other than that hes fine +1

Tj is absolutely right.

He does fallow the rules and doesn't RDM, but he talks way too much. It's usually explaining something. From noobs to folks with quadruple his hours. When he does explain, I can recall a lot of misinformation. Mainly from Godlikes and their prices.

Then there is the bragging. He would post everything he owns in the chat in the first round. Then the next round and mid round to throw a curve ball. Then he would say "selling the Onuris for 20K." Which he was borrowing from. And actually "sell" it to folks, he would get it back at the end. Then post his coins in chat and say "I don't know why no one took it." But, I wouldn't trust him with anything.

Take this as you will. It's a -0 from me. If there is a dramatic diffrence in the future, I wouldn't have a problem changing this.

I like Jerk Butt, sure he does talk a lot every now and then but it's not anything to -1 about. Besides that he follows the rules and is respectful. +1
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I think Jerk Butt is great. I see no problem with how much he uses his mic. He's just talkative. But at least he's helpful. And it's not like he has an annoying voice. +1 Pretty cool guy I always have a good time with him.

Yeah, as long as he isn't screaming/singing into his mic I don't really see him using his mic a bit more than others as a big deal.

As for this member app, +1, Jerk has been playing a ton lately, never really causes any issues, barely shows up in the report manager, and isn't really toxic from what I've seen.

Good luck, Jerk.

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