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cheesenips - Constant Trolling/Mic Spam/Attempted RDM

(12-10-2017, 12:41 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  Regardless of this report existing, I've gotten reports from a good amount of people complaining about his mic-spam over the course of the last few months and something was going to be done.

This wasn't a case of mic-spamming every now and then, but a player that staff has constantly had to deal with over the past few months via gagging and warning, and that's when staff happens to be around.
I agree that if it's a simple few players that find him annoying, sure, utilize the block feature, but it becomes an inconvenience when a majority of the server has to have a player blocked because of annoyance when that player could have important call-outs in the game that people need to hear.

He certainly won't be perma'd for this, but a stern warning will hopefully stop it - we have seen annoying players improve their behavior before.

Not to be a smart ass. But don't you think that ban from Kcat was the stern warning?

(12-10-2017, 12:42 AM)Jake1o Wrote:  If something as simple as a perma gag can fix an issue and allow someone to keep playing and populate the server why not do that? He is annoying but doesn't disrupt the rules of the game mode.

If perma-gag would be a command I would much rather do that, but if a majority of the people in the game have to have him blocked, it certainly disrupts the game mode. People can miss important call-outs and people who have him blocked may cause trouble with staff thinking they were RDM'd because cheese called him out, and I'm sure other stuff can be caused by that too. Plus it'd be pretty unenjoyable to be in a server where everyone has you blocked, so I'd rather refrain from that being the only solution.

Also this is a secondary sterner warning, notice it's longer than the last. The bans won't get better.

- That Thrakos Noob

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