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Poll: What should the rune rework be?
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Option E
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Rune of Power Rework

I wanted to talk about the rune of power, and how they are completely useless to most players at the moment. I believe I once read upon this suggestion once before, because another person was also not happy with the state of this rune. Of course this will not be active for the level 3 rune, but only those that are dropped. So, here is my hand full of suggestions I was thinking about...

A) Rework the rune so that it has a 50/50 or whatever you may set, chance for the user who activated it to get the godlike that was activated after the 3 hours are up.

B) Give the user (x) amount of time to get (y) amount of kills with the weapon, however many kills = (z)/100 and that's the chance they have to get that weapon after the time is up.

C) Give the weapon a random task, (I.e. Get X amount of righteous kills, or get X amount of headshots) With this, it would keep the time at 3 hrs, but if you complete it within the time limit, you will receive the godlike, or have a Y% chance to.

D) Gives the person who redeems the rune a random task to enhance the godlike, once you complete it and level it, it become +1,+6 etc, but that +1 or +6 = 10% or 60% (etc.) chance to receive the godlike.

E) Leave the rune where it is, we don't need more godlikes on this server.

In my opinion, the state of the rune of power is useless currently, and this would give it some love. I'm not sure what godlikes it may give currently, but I think the table it may give should be limited to the crates that are in the coinshop when you activate the rune. Let me know your thoughts, I am curious to what you guys think about the state of the rune, or if this has already been discussed. Your feedback is appreciate, and I welcome it, whether it be constructive or not, thank you.

Its not suppose to be some dumb OP rune that just drops godlikes. Its meant to be a more fun rune for just random use.

Every kill with a rune of power godlike adds +1 minute to the rune of power timer
You can swap godlikes at the cost of 10 minutes off the rune of power timer.

allows more versatility with the rune of power at the cost of the timer
rewards players for playing with their weapons
doesn't add more godlikes into circulation

may need some balancing to prevent misuse of the rune (make traitor round tokens not allow rune of power?)

F. Metagame most of these options for EZ gadliko

I agree that the rune of power needs a buff. I have gotten three so far. I sold my last one for four coins. He tried giving me five but I convinced him that it wasn't worth that much. In seriousness, though, just make kills during the runes timer have a high chance to give loot drops. That'd at least make it a reasonable rune for it's rarity.

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