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ULX Commands / Post round fun

This ones for you moderators and such. I got a few ulx commands that might make your life easier and one for fun.

Listfreinds= Lists target freinds in server (Great to see if its a buddy group for minges)

ULX Micon/MicOff = Forces target mic on/turns forced mic off. (Thought you heard ghosting in the background? Now you can be sure)

MSlay = Slays someone and forces them to open the MOTD to read rules. (Also keeps it open for about 15 seconds and THEN itll let them close it)

Warn = Alerts users with a CSay Message mid screen, complete with an alert noise to get attention (Metal gear solid Alert) Preset with TTT commands

and just for some fun~

Fusrodah = Summons your Thu'um on target. (Plays Dovahkin and launches them at "FUS RO DAH" this of course is a silly thing, but note it does kill them)

Post round fun
End round music is good. But there has been ways to make it detectable and trigger an event. For example: Round ends, Dovahkin song starts playing. *this activates Fusrodah command on all players left alive* OR Mortal Kombat plays, Gravity drops and players have a tweaked post round dm. Silly little perks at the end just to add some more fun.
Vanished from life

The Mslay sounds pretty cool or maybe just a command that opens the motd for someone

You can tell who's your steam friend thanks to the stars beside them on the scoreboard.

Terran I think he means like !listfriends terran and it would tell the person who all your friends are

i was on his server yesterday, he was showing me all then and i have to say all these are very useful
Love me <3

Some of them sound pretty helpful, the others are kindof useless...

Almost all of these commands can be bought on CoderHire and Scriptfodder.

(02-24-2015, 08:15 PM)Denneh Wrote:  Terran I think he means like !listfriends terran and it would tell the person who all your friends are

Yes. It prints out in chat *to you and admins* For example.

!listfriends Fox

Fox is freinds with: *insert freinds online on server here*

The green stars show you your own freinds. This is for mods to look at anothers to spot ghost/minge groups
Vanished from life

I support all except for the Micon/Fusrodah

Fusrodah is silly, I get it, but it's not necessary at all.

The entire concept with Micon is an awful one. It would help identify ghosters, but only if they have their mic too close to their speakers.

If it shows up as it does when you target someone, the person can just go silent. Kuro has forced Mic on for (target)

Not only that but it does violate peoples privacy. Talking to your mom, about to sneeze? Everyone will hear it.

(02-25-2015, 06:54 AM)Kuro Wrote:  I support all except for the Micon/Fusrodah

Fusrodah is silly, I get it, but it's not necessary at all.

The entire concept with Micon is an awful one. It would help identify ghosters, but only if they have their mic too close to their speakers.

If it shows up as it does when you target someone, the person can just go silent. Kuro has forced Mic on for (target)

Not only that but it does violate peoples privacy. Talking to your mom, about to sneeze? Everyone will hear it.

Thats the thing, It doesnt notify but just admins. And it basically forces the mic key press. So if there talking on steam chat or skype via voice. This is where that happens.

And fusrodah, yeah again its silly
Vanished from life

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