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Pineapple RDM and Leave

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Pineapple

Steam ID of Offending Player:STEAM_0:0:61445754

Map the event happened on: Richland

Date of event:October 9th

What Happened?: He rdmed me when the round started and then when the round ended he left.

Witnesses: Coach and Big stink

Evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/876372572833399647/C48EA2EE8AE08A264BB5011180983CB9E318DF24/
Bouncy Rounds


He got a slay put on him before he left. It'd be different if he was some random level 1, but the guy is about to be level 50. He'll be back and he can take his slay. My guess is he had something to do, and he had to go.

(10-10-2017, 12:01 AM)Alex Summers Wrote:  https://gyazo.com/bc26a09164ad25fa04fd39faf3524565

He got a slay put on him before he left. It'd be different if he was some random level 1, but the guy is about to be level 50. He'll be back and he can take his slay. My guess is he had something to do, and he had to go.

He went to the lobby for like 15 min to do something and then he got off.
Bouncy Rounds

Being that this is Pineapple's first offense and we know he's not here strictly to RDM (usually), I'm going to give him a few extra slays totaling to 5 as opposed to a ban. Pineapple, please try to be more aware of when you leave or respondent to steam messages - another offense like this and you'll have to take a ban.


- That Thrakos Noob

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