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What would you like to see on TTT?

(03-03-2017, 05:21 AM)TJ1524 Wrote:  
(03-03-2017, 02:11 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  Does nobody understand why FRG uses an RNG based roll system? RNG is random for a reason, and godlikes are rare for a reason.
Just by opening cases doesn't mean you should get a higher chance at a godlike.
Not everybody is gonna roll a godlike in their play time on FRG, and that's the point.
If everyone was guaranteed a godlike after opening a certain amount of cases, the economy would just die. Godlikes would drop down in price so fast that there would be no point to RNG being there to begin with.
Yes god-likes are rare. I don't have any references for roll chances, because no one will publicly tell me what the chances are.

Tobias, you act like everyone has 100K free all the time. Go look at people's profile to see how many coins they have. I did. Many people had less than a thousand. Some were storing, but out of the 50 I bothered to look at, I saw that I was the only one who had massive amount (in their inventory, some people might put them in the bank for some reason.) I can't even afford 1000 of any crate. If you even limited the chance increase to 5%, that would be 2,500 crates (.002) or 1,000 crates (.005) for a 5% increase.

You know how miniscule that is to a 1/1,000,000? Congrats, you now have a 1 in 950,000. That gave you such a increase.... Granted, there's no way that a godlike is around 1,000,000 probably, its still a minuscule amount and you're fighting for nothing.

50% of 1,000,000 is still 1 in 500,000. Are you ready to open 500,000 crates? Do you have the funds available to open 500,000 crates after you opened the crates to get to 50%?

You're not suppose to roll a Godlike? then why are level 2s going to get a rune of power. Although it's not the same idea, the idea is that they're suppose to be a goal. It really isn't fun if you never get to a goal. They're fun, unique and suppose to be played with. They have something other guns don't have.

Bezerker, I suppose you have a point. But you also proved something too, It's nigh impossible to obtain. What if I wanted a gun that ricocheted bullets? The only one is Last Prayer. IIRC, I think someone offered you 300K (This might not be the number, or I'm thinking of excel's prices) and you didn't take it. So what makes it worth it to any new to a player with reasonable time to get it? I can't even get a number of specific god-likes that exist. I suppose we should just forget about its existence even though there was time, effort and thought put into it to never used by many people.

You're free to have your own opinions, and like I said, it would be even rarer to drop than it had before. Therefore making it nigh impossibly obtainable through something other than a person who doesn't want to sell theirs. Believe me, People come to me saying they want to buy my god-likes, but I don't want to sell and that puts them in a hard place. But at least they can SOMEHOW still obtain them, or rely on someone else's luck while they store money to buy it.

The way you word the chance increases doesn't even seem like it's worth having, EVEN IF that was an idea I'd be willing to do.

There's A LOT more ways to gain coins on FRG. Survive gives an insane amount of loot, collection quests, giveaways, keys, grim's, worm queen, etc. Survive alone made the average coin amount on FRG quadruple.  You were constantly seeing people with 10k+ coins.

Also, I'd like you to check and see how many people do in fact have and use godlikes. There's a shitload amount of people that do, and going rates for railguns, tarts, thrakos and what not are very possible to achieve and trade for, as well as roll. People don't care much about these anymore, because how many of them there are.

I don't agree with your idea for every crate. Some godlikes are more sought after than others simply because they are more rare. Railguns were cool, then 100 of them dropped, now no one cares.

Limited time items are supposed to be rare and 'collectable' thus why people want to hold on to them. They can still be obtained through one method though: Sealed Djinn(you can get expired seasonal crates from 'em).

I'm not against making a new crate that has a guaranteed godlike if you don't obtain it after x amount of rolls, however, this godlike would be untradeable, and more of a novelty item. Something not practical to use, but fun to play with.

But godlike chances are different per godlike, and per crate. The reason why rarities aren't fully disclosed is because crates used to use a strange system inwhich they would keep trying to roll until something hit, basically lowering the rarities of everything in it. (if it re-rolls 3 times, that essentially makes something 3x more common, that applied to godlikes too)

New crates do NOT do that though, they use a new method I came up with using two loot tables. One 'common' and one 'rare'. The system tries to roll a rare item a single time, if it fails, it picks a common item 100% at random ignoring rarity.

This allows me to set very specific and accurate drop rates for things, and disclose the drop rates more accurately.

I'll compile a list of drop-rates on some crates and come back and post 'em (it will take awhile), but here's an example one I put together for bone crates(ones you buy with coins):
Bone Crate:

Possible common items table:
  • Any Tier or Unique/misc item (no melees) unlikely or higher, but less than Legendary.
    It picks 3 random items from the global table to insert into the common table with the rules said above.
  • Pirate Hat
  • x3 Coins 450 - 750 (x3 meaning this specific drop is on the common table 3 times)
  • Coins 450 - 950
  • x2 Coins 750 - 1050
  • Zombie Mask
  • Pumpkin Carving
  • Witch Hat

Items on the 'rare' table:
  • 1 in 8 - Coins 500 - 800
  • 1 in 24 - Coins 1001 - 1200
  • 1 in 64 - Coins 1201 - 2200
  • Fearful - 1 in 2024
  • Onuris - 1 in 10,000 (reduced rarity around late november, used to be 1 in 13,000)

The reason why there's a sudden jump between the rarities, is this crate was designed to mainly payout coins. You can go on huge rolling sprees with these.

I have functions to mass roll the crates and print out the results:

I should also note that a sealed djinn on most crates is a 1 in 5k drop, that can only have a chance to 'overwrite' your roll if you did not roll a godlike.

Basically> you open your crate, the system picks your item, if it's not a godlike it attempts to roll the djinn, if successful it changes the item to a sealed djinn.

  • The way you word the chance increases doesn't even seem like it's worth having, EVEN IF that was an idea I'd be willing to do.
  • There's A LOT more ways to gain coins on FRG. Survive gives an insane amount of loot, collection quests, giveaways, keys, grim's, worm queen, etc. Survive alone made the average coin amount on FRG quadruple.  You were constantly seeing people with 10k+ coins.
I think this system is fair because it's still suppose to be based on mostly RNG. This just influences the RNG to become more in your favor. My example of 5% limit is just that. Onuris from Bone crate would become 1 in 9,500, which is way better than 10,000 psychologically. Increasing the limit favors the user, while decreasing it favors RNG. People would still have to open the bone crate in order to get to 5% too. This is barely affecting it while making people spend more coins on the crate. Lets be honest, you're still probably not going to get it with a 1 in 9,500 chance.

Survive doesn't nearly give as much as it used to, which is probably for the best. However, you can be completely screwed and get practically nothing. 1000 coins for 2-3 hours isn't the best deal, but it's RNG.
  • Also, I'd like you to check and see how many people do in fact have and use godlikes. There's a shitload amount of people that do, and going rates for railguns, tarts, thrakos and what not are very possible to achieve and trade for, as well as roll. People don't care much about these anymore, because how many of them there are.
  • I don't agree with your idea for every crate. Some godlikes are more sought after than others simply because they are more rare. Railguns were cool, then 100 of them dropped, now no one cares.

Keep in mind that those godlikes have been available for a long time, but how many are actually in use. I have been on for 12 hours straight for a few days sometimes. During that, I see around 15 godlikes being used by other people each day. Most of them in use are the people who come on daily. I haven't actually seen anyone use a Railgun, or Tart used regularly in a long time. Jerome has his Thrakos on a lot though.

They're obtainable because, well, the crates that they are in are obtained more frequent than the others (This includes giveaways, mega giveaways, post round crates, gift packages, and minigames). They're in majority of what people get daily. This is in terms of rolling.

Many people ignore them because they aren't new anymore. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be used. I don't think directly its related to how many of them there are. It would also depend on how good it can be used across all maps, do people want to level up a gun rather than just play for gameplay, and yes, how many of them there are.

This also affects new players because they have never seen it, want it, but don't have the money available to get it yet. However, They're getting a different treatment in the next update. They'll have different priorities in addition to get a gun that does something to compete.
  • Limited time items are supposed to be rare and 'collectable' thus why people want to hold on to them. They can still be obtained through one method though: Sealed Djinn(you can get expired seasonal crates from 'em).
I never knew that this existed. I've never had a Djinn, nor have I ever heard of anyone talk about it. Speaking about Djinn, this idea wouldn't affect it's drop rate.
  • I'm not against making a new crate that has a guaranteed godlike if you don't obtain it after x amount of rolls, however, this godlike would be untradeable, and more of a novelty item. Something not practical to use, but fun to play with.
I think this would be a good trade off if anything, but I'm not saying it's better to be guaranteed. I just feel like a better chance if anything is better than nothing in the long run.

I also like seeing drop tables. Perhaps it would be nice to see them in the change notes and cross off the special/unique names when new crates release and then fill them in as we discover them. Also, a crate opening simulator would be nice to have.

Could add some rune of something to increase (not by much) the luck for crates for a x amount of y aka time, how many crates, or just a one time use

More maps added in(along with the removal of bad, unoptimized ones, and a higher number of maps that have to be played before ones we've already played start showing up again on the mapvote.)

Sorry for the some what necro, i just didnt want to make a whole thread dedicated to it.

Reviving the thread again, lots of solid points here and it's time for some more changes!

After discussing with some people, we've come up with a new idea(kind of similar to an idea posted here earlier). Not entirely TTT based, but FRG in general:

Crate Progression
  • You have a 'Crate Level' (lack of better title at the moment).
  • Each time you open a crate, you gain XP for that specific crate 'series', once you reach a certain XP threshold you level up.
  • There's a "Crate Skill Tree" (lack of better title again), these would be per-crate and grant small perks when opening that crate series. You would have to unlock the ones you want once you reach their required levels.
    These perks could be things like this:
    • The crate series would cost less in the coinshop by some %.
    • Have a 1 in semi-rare chance to not consume the crate at all when opening.
    • Output the drop rate of an item you roll in the chat (non-common items only).
    That's not a definite list, and has plenty of room for ideas.
  • Reaching max level in a specific crate will grant a "(Crate series) GOD" title.
If the proposed features are added, crates bought from the coinshop would be untradeable.

What do you guys think of this idea?

how about a new gametype... like throw in a Dark RP or Prop Hunt...
also... thats a good idea

I want to say "Voslom tbh" but that's off-topic.
But gimme more Voslom. I'd personally like to see coins eradicated slowly and a new currency implemented, one far less inflated.

I mean, it took me a around 10-11 months to save up 100k coins, and that was WAY more coins than anyone had. Now, 100k is like, lmao kid what's up, those are chump bucks, silly billy. Seems kinda ridiculous to me. People spend more time opening crates than actually playing TTT (or so it feels like to me).

But otherwise Garry's Mod is just dying out, and it won't stop. That's just how its going to be, everything dies eventually. I like TTT how it is right now, its fun as it is.

(10-08-2017, 10:14 PM)Steel Memes Wrote:  how about a new gametype... like throw in a Dark RP or Prop Hunt...
also... thats a good idea

I'm all for more gamemodes, but DarkRP or Prop Hunt is 100% not the way to go.

But either way, this thread is about what should be added to TTT, not about adding another gamemode.

(10-08-2017, 11:33 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(10-08-2017, 10:14 PM)Steel Memes Wrote:  how about a new gametype... like throw in a Dark RP or Prop Hunt...
also... thats a good idea

I'm all for more gamemodes, but DarkRP or Prop Hunt is 100% not the way to go.

But either way, this thread is about what should be added to TTT, not about adding another gamemode.

I'd like more cooperative game modes that involve more killing. Like what TDM was like during the test months ago. Plus there'd be less flaming (hopefully)

(10-09-2017, 12:00 AM)CoachGrump Wrote:  
(10-08-2017, 11:33 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(10-08-2017, 10:14 PM)Steel Memes Wrote:  how about a new gametype... like throw in a Dark RP or Prop Hunt...
also... thats a good idea

I'm all for more gamemodes, but DarkRP or Prop Hunt is 100% not the way to go.

But either way, this thread is about what should be added to TTT, not about adding another gamemode.

I'd like more cooperative game modes that involve more killing. Like what TDM was like during the test months ago. Plus there'd be less flaming (hopefully)

I suggested jailbreak and I don't know if it was liked or not. The weapons you have in inventory would be weapons you have for guard and whatever you pick up for prisoner.

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