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redmoonwolf's member app

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): redmoonwolf498

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50.97 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: friends that played it

Have you ever been banned and why?: nope

Why do you want to join?: frg is growing alot faster then i first thought. because of this alot of new players and have no clue what there doing. id like to be there to guide them through, or get them banned depending on the kinda person they are.

Referred by: none

Additional Details: was op on ntg, is still member on ntg. got some experience here.

redmoon is life, redmoon is awesome!

-1 gave me aids

+2 because had my children.

+1 He doesn't break rules

+1 Is feg who does good stuffs, would help connunity.

+1 cool guy
Love me <3

-1 gives aids

-1 will screw you

+1. Redmoon has always been a chill guy and friend. He doesn't get mad often and is very respectful. I think would make a good Member

(02-23-2015, 04:21 AM)Bottle4 Wrote:  -1 gives aids

-1 will screw you

are you really still pissed about me not selling that gun to you?
  • x1

+1, we had some differences in NTG but that was pretty much my fault. He's always been a good guy, to friends and other random people the same. Definitely a great candidate for Member, he's positive and has a great outlook on life.

+1 solid player and fun to play with

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