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More numbers on Worm Queen?

I personally would love to see more than just a hitmarker when I hit the Worm Queen. Would it be possible/useful to add visible statistics to the WQ fight? Here are some ideas for stats:

Damage related stats:

Damage value shows up on hit (like in TTT)
Damage per clip
Damage per second
Worm Queen total HP (shown in the health bar itself, like with the Spider Queen)

Fun stats that could maybe be added?:

Units traveled during the fight.
How many shots hit, missed, and fired during the fight. (People could compete for best ratio) (Also, I'm not certain, but I think that glowing hole in the WQ that opens up is a sweet spot to do more damage, so maybe have an accuracy counter on that specific spot as well?)
Damage done with each weapon? (It'd be fun to see proof that someone did WQ with a melee)
Shows WQ's abilities in a bar, showing the cooldown of them? (This might be a little too much, but I don't know. It'd be nice to know when she's gonna throw a wall of poison at you.)

That's all the ones I can think of that would actually have a use, but I'm sure there's more the community could think of. I'm not sure if the lack of these number were intentional, or if it was just not put in for whatever reason, so correct me if I'm making a slarple.

I Guess....But.. Why
Tedious work. for pointless stats
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

(06-09-2017, 02:03 PM)BorkPlaysGames Wrote:  I Guess....But.. Why
Tedious work. for pointless stats

The biggest reason for me is so that I can figure out which of my weapons is the most effective against wq. Also would love to see hp of wq.

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