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Player Complaint - Amac

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Amac

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):

Map the event happened on: McDonalds

Date of event: 3:30 PM CST 6/5/2017

What Happened?: The previous round I kos'd Amac for shooting someone right in front of me and he got salty asking how I saw him and accused me of kosing off of weapon. The next round he found me and very intentionally killed me with a car via prop disguiser so it didn't show up in logs.

Witnesses: Recorded


I don't see any evidence that this is revenge RDM.

TBH, it's really just a meme... don't get mad about it man. There is plenty of rounds you can play throught the day.

That does not look like revenge rdm at all.

Am I wrong or was he trying it with everyone, not just you? Although it's wrong and Amac shouldn't be RDMing at all, especially in a way that negates karma loss (cough amac don't do that anymore pls), it doesn't appear as if he directly targetted you.

That being said, Amac, pls don't exploit D weps and propkill others with them, that's not cool.
I want a 250 word apology in my inbox by next month ty.

- That Thrakos Noob

(06-06-2017, 01:37 AM)Jerome The Ninja Wrote:  I mean Amac doesn't revenge rdm. Amac may get Salty but he won't revenge RDM especially since he is a +mem and has to represent the server.

He's definitely not a +member

Fuck, I was thinking about someone else. Ohh well. But anyways Amac doesn't revenge rdm anyone unless it is me.
SG Fucking Overlord

Fist let me apologize, I was not in the best mood when I was playing at the time. I was being kind of rude to you for no reason. I'd like to say that it was not intentional. If I was truly salty I probably would have reported you from the previous round, but I figured I was just wrong. Again, I'm sorry about this whole situation and I guess I'm done using the prop disguiser.

Dude it's a game don't be salty about it amac is a good person

(06-06-2017, 10:52 AM)amac Wrote:  Fist let me apologize, I was not in the best mood when I was playing at the time. I was being kind of rude to you for no reason. I'd like to say that it was not intentional. If I was truly salty I probably would have reported you from the previous round, but I figured I was just wrong. Again, I'm sorry about this whole situation and I guess I'm done using the prop disguiser.

S'all good man I wasn't trying to start shit either, This thread can be closed as I'll accept an apology and with the clip as it is there is no solid proof that this was revenge rdm, nor was that the intention of the report overall.

I do have one question for the developers as I have noticed something rather significant;
Why does prop damage not show up in the logs, and why is the death scene disabled? On a previous server I have played on if you prop hurt or prop killed someone it would show in the current logs that the server uses, and with the death scene it can be VERY easy to see what happened and make staff lives much easier.

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