Hi. Prepare to wear down your scroll wheel a little bit.
Clobberer's Revolver
Dueling Blade
Pepper S [P90 (Base stats on Mac10)]
Famous [Famas]
Panicking A.A.A.A-249 [H.U.G.E-249]
The Speaker [Shotgun]
The Listener [Rifle]
Cerberus [Galil]
Salter S [Glock]
Hand of the West [Revolver (Base stats on Deagle)]
Hand Cannon [Deagle]
Slicer [Deagle]
The Escape Route [Pistol]
The Other Prayer [Glock]
Infinity [Glock]
Sacrificial [Prefix]
...of the Night [Suffix]
Has a chance to blind the target, weakening their vision.
Other Attributes:
*This weapon has a chance to shoot a higher damage, slow moving bullet.
*This weapon has a very quiet firing sound.
*Enemies killed with this weapon will not scream when killed.
Traitor/Detective Equipment:
Tester Repellent [Traitor]:
Things that would scan you as a traitor instead return you as innocent.
Traitex Gloves [Traitor]:
Subtracts 50% of the time that DNA lasts on bodies you kill.
Retrieval Gun [Detective]:
Shoot at something (a prop, weapon or body [doesn't work on living people]) to teleport it close to you on solid ground. Has 3 uses. Does not consume a use on miss.
Flashlight of Revealing [Detective]:
Your flashlight makes barnacles and bear traps glow.
Non-weapon suggestions:
Pointshop dyes: Semi rare items that allow you to color/texture pointshop items. Some colors are rarer and cooler, like glass or gold, but others are very standard, like blue or red.
Scrapping and Crafting: Inspired by tf2. Take an unwanted weapon and get scrap metal based on it's rarity. Combine two of the same type of metal and some coins (coin value based on rarity aka 1 coin for ordinary, 7500 coins for godlike) to craft a random new weapon of the same rarity.
Crystal Charge Transferring: Take two charged crystals and combine them, and get 1 empty crystal and one crystal with the charge of the other two crystals combined.
Lobby remote: Granted to level 20 players (or higher), the lobby remote would allow you to access your bank and quest rewards from the TTT server. You would still need to go there to play boss fights & minigames or gamble, however.
Daily challenge: A difficult and very specific quest every day with a specific reward offered. The reward is always rare or legendary, and the quests would be things like "Overkill: Kill the last innocent alive while they are tranquilized." or "Corrupt Coroner: Hang 8 bodies from the ceiling in a single round."
More credits: Instead of each traitor or detective weapon costing 1 credit, each traitor starts with 8 credits, and each item has a different price. Body armor would be 3 credits, radar would be 2 credits, disguiser would be 4 credits, knife would be 3 credits, etc.. Also, credits would overall be obtained more (1 for every 2/3 innocents killed? 3 creds for a detective?). Would allow for better or worse T weapons to be significantly more balanced just by changing their price, and would allow for interesting ways to play.
Item upgrades: Instead of buying something once and being done with it, bought items could be upgraded for an extra credit (or multiple based on the previous suggestion.) For instance, body armor would only be 25% damage reduction, but could be upgraded to 35%. Disguiser could be upgraded to allow you to pretend to be someone else that is missing in action. Radar could be upgraded to refresh faster (once every 15 seconds?). Would give some dynamics, and possibly interesting builds for people wanting that extra spice and tactical planning.
...did you want a tl;dr? Sorry, life's not always that easy.
Clobberer's Revolver
Rarity: Legendary
-30% firerate
+30% damage
-15% mobility
-25% range
Deals 35% more damage to targets wielding guns.
Deals 65% less damage to targets wielding anything that isn't a gun.
Dueling Blade
Rarity: Rare
+25% firerate
-30% damage
+10% mobility
+25% range
Instantly kills any player also wielding a dueling blade.
Rarity: Primordial
+50% damage
-50% firerate
-15% mobility
+15% range
This weapon sends people flying with it's alternate fire.
Rarity: Primordial
+10% damage
+25% firerate
+10% mobility
-35% range
Has a 50/50 chance to deal either no damage or triple damage.
Pepper S [P90 (Base stats on Mac10)]
Rarity: Primordial
+15% accuracy
-15% damage
+10 clip
+15% mobility
+35% stability
-40% reload speed
+35% draw speed
Has a 1 in 10-16 chance to inflict spicy flames, dealing 1 damage every second for 10 seconds.
This weapon's effect is guaranteed to proc if the target is inflicted with salty frost.
Famous [Famas]
Rarity: Legendary
+15% damage
-35% firerate
-10 clip
+50% stability
Fires a 5 round burst.
This weapon has a very loud firing sound.
Panicking A.A.A.A-249 [H.U.G.E-249]
Rarity: Primordial
+25% accuracy
-65% damage
+85% firerate
+150 clip
+15% stability
Once you start firing, you can't stop until you run out of ammo.
While firing, take 25% more damage from all sources.
The Speaker [Shotgun]
Rarity: Godlike
-100% accuracy
+50% damage
-20% firerate
-4 clip
-50% stability
Has a 1 in 3-4 chance to muffle a target's hearing on hit.
This weapon has a loud firing sound.
Deals 25% more damage to targets that are standing still.
The Listener [Rifle]
Rarity: Godlike
+50% accuracy
+33% damage
-18% firerate
+10 clip
+90% stabiity
-35% draw speed
This weapon has a quiet firing sound.
Deals 50% less damage to targets that are standing still.
Cerberus [Galil]
-65% accuracy
+25% damage
-35% firerate
+5 clip
-40% mobility
+35% stability
Fires 3 bullets at once, in a horizontal pattern.
This weapon's bullets move very slowly, and are very small.
Salter S [Glock]
Rarity: Primordial
-15% damage
-35% firerate
-35% accuracy
-2 clip
+20% mobility
+50% stability
+25% draw speed
This weapon fires a 4 shot burst.
This weapon has a 1 in 6-9 chance to inflict salty frost, lowering the target's mobility by 20% for 6 seconds.
This weapon's effect is guaranteed to proc if the target is inflicted with spicy flames.
Hand of the West [Revolver (Base stats on Deagle)]
Rarity: Godlike
-15% accuracy
+25% damage
+25% firerate
-25% mobility
-2 clip
-40% stability
+75% draw speed
A revolver. Deals double damage for 1-2 seconds after being drawn. Draws very quickly.
Hand Cannon [Deagle]
Rarity: Primordial
+20% accuracy
+50% damage
-6 clip
-25% firerate
-10% mobility
-50% stabiliy
This weapon knocks you back when firing.
This weapon pushes targets forcefully on hit.
Slicer [Deagle]
Rarity: Primordial
+10% accuracy
-1 clip
+25% damage
+15% firerate
+10% mobility
-10% stability
+15% reload speed
No head or limb shot multipliers.
The Escape Route [Pistol]
Rarity: Legendary
+25% accuracy
-10 clip
-50% firerate
+25% mobility
+50% reload speed
+25% draw speed
+50% stability
Has a chance to boost your mobility by 25% on a rightful kill.
Cloaks you slightly for 3-6 seconds on a rightful kill.
The Other Prayer [Glock]
+25% accuracy
-15% damage
+25% firerate
+12% mobility
-18% stability
"I think this goes somewhere in the middle?"
Has a chance to bounce bullets off of surfaces.
Hold right click to fire a higher damage bullet that is guaranteed to ricochet.
Infinity [Glock]
Rarity: Godlike
+40% accuracy
+10% damage
-15% firerate
-10% mobility
+25% stability
"...And when they wept, they cried tears of bullets."
This weapon has infinite ammo and infinite clip.
This weapon's accuracy gradually decreases while firing. It's limit is -300%.
Sacrificial [Prefix]
Rarity: Legendary
+40% accuracy
+42% damage
-15-20% firerate
-20-30% stability
This weapon consumes <x> hp per attack. (x is inversely proportional to firerate.)
...of the Night [Suffix]
Has a chance to blind the target, weakening their vision.
Other Attributes:
*This weapon has a chance to shoot a higher damage, slow moving bullet.
*This weapon has a very quiet firing sound.
*Enemies killed with this weapon will not scream when killed.
Traitor/Detective Equipment:
Tester Repellent [Traitor]:
Things that would scan you as a traitor instead return you as innocent.
Traitex Gloves [Traitor]:
Subtracts 50% of the time that DNA lasts on bodies you kill.
Retrieval Gun [Detective]:
Shoot at something (a prop, weapon or body [doesn't work on living people]) to teleport it close to you on solid ground. Has 3 uses. Does not consume a use on miss.
Flashlight of Revealing [Detective]:
Your flashlight makes barnacles and bear traps glow.
Non-weapon suggestions:
Pointshop dyes: Semi rare items that allow you to color/texture pointshop items. Some colors are rarer and cooler, like glass or gold, but others are very standard, like blue or red.
Scrapping and Crafting: Inspired by tf2. Take an unwanted weapon and get scrap metal based on it's rarity. Combine two of the same type of metal and some coins (coin value based on rarity aka 1 coin for ordinary, 7500 coins for godlike) to craft a random new weapon of the same rarity.
Crystal Charge Transferring: Take two charged crystals and combine them, and get 1 empty crystal and one crystal with the charge of the other two crystals combined.
Lobby remote: Granted to level 20 players (or higher), the lobby remote would allow you to access your bank and quest rewards from the TTT server. You would still need to go there to play boss fights & minigames or gamble, however.
Daily challenge: A difficult and very specific quest every day with a specific reward offered. The reward is always rare or legendary, and the quests would be things like "Overkill: Kill the last innocent alive while they are tranquilized." or "Corrupt Coroner: Hang 8 bodies from the ceiling in a single round."
More credits: Instead of each traitor or detective weapon costing 1 credit, each traitor starts with 8 credits, and each item has a different price. Body armor would be 3 credits, radar would be 2 credits, disguiser would be 4 credits, knife would be 3 credits, etc.. Also, credits would overall be obtained more (1 for every 2/3 innocents killed? 3 creds for a detective?). Would allow for better or worse T weapons to be significantly more balanced just by changing their price, and would allow for interesting ways to play.
Item upgrades: Instead of buying something once and being done with it, bought items could be upgraded for an extra credit (or multiple based on the previous suggestion.) For instance, body armor would only be 25% damage reduction, but could be upgraded to 35%. Disguiser could be upgraded to allow you to pretend to be someone else that is missing in action. Radar could be upgraded to refresh faster (once every 15 seconds?). Would give some dynamics, and possibly interesting builds for people wanting that extra spice and tactical planning.
...did you want a tl;dr? Sorry, life's not always that easy.