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  • Provide a download link of the map. If the map is custom-made, you can leave it out and wait for Brassx to request a download link via PM if your submission is accepted.
  • Provide a decent number of screenshots showing a decent chunk of the map.
  • Make sure the map is optimized, and has proper visleafs. A map with any leaks, or bad performance will not be accepted.
  • Make sure nothing on the map breaks the servers rules.
I've played this map for a long time on a different server. Haven't seen a problem with it.

Although this is a CSS map, it works fine for TTT. It has double sides with multiple elevations. Many hiding spots, and multiple ways to get down and across the other side. No way outside the map naturally. The most equivalent map we have is dolls, and you guys like that.

Yes please another map like dolls KEK

dolls kitchen edition? kk i like
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Could we get more feedback on the map? It's been a week and it seems like map submissions hardly get viewed.

I love maps like these. +1 Let dolls and Teen room have a new sibling.

please no.

we already have dolls and teenroom. no need to add a third one.

But we like both of those maps, is there any reason why we shouldn't have more maps like the ones we like?

(04-09-2017, 01:48 AM)TJ1524 Wrote:  But we like both of those maps, is there any reason why we shouldn't have more maps like the ones we like?

speak for yourself.

not everyone is a fan of teenroom and dolls. I know I'm not.

add spaceship
Umpty Dumpty

(04-09-2017, 01:59 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(04-09-2017, 01:48 AM)TJ1524 Wrote:  But we like both of those maps, is there any reason why we shouldn't have more maps like the ones we like?

speak for yourself.

not everyone is a fan of teenroom and dolls. I know I'm not.

but to play a map a majority has to vote for it
so by sayin no to adding it to the vote bc u dont like it is kinda like u speaking for every1

js tho

- That Thrakos Noob

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