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What would you like to see on TTT?

Realistically the reason we have a larger concentration of skilled players is because you're rewarded here for trying harder.

Other servers don't have things like levels or drops, it makes sense that people will try harder if they're getting something from it.

I mentioned jokingly a few months ago that it's insane how skillful our players are, it's almost as if FRG was some kind of TTT improvement simulator and you'd only survive if you can compete. Honestly the skill difference between newer people and our regulars is insane and I could see how it could negatively impact the server but that's not anybodies fault.

I've noticed something in the last few days with everybody trying out the new t weapons; it seems like everyone was enjoying the game a lot more when they had to worry less about being the best and more about trying out the cool new things. It was the same way when survive came out when as a community we can discuss tactics and try out new things and learn what's the best.

Plus it's not to say that being tactical means you need to take forever and try to line up your sights in the corner of a doorway to get one kill. I personally run and gun a lot as a traitor, but that doesn't mean I'm blindly killing people. I make diversions, I coordinate t buddies and I generally know how to make opportunities for my team to secure a win. Running and gunning is a tactic and just because it's effective doesn't make it any less of one.

Rewarding skillful play other than just fragments and maybe exp

Make stuff not be repetitive and people wont really get bored when doing it since its a new thing everyday since the first couple weeks of survive everyone on the server figured out how to do everything and now its the same thing over and over again.


Bump for nerfing the TARTR........ its way to fucking powerful. I propose a solution. have the beam have travel time. like the ascultone.
Thanks tobias on the idea
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

TTT-unique currency that only drops and can be used for TTT.

This currency would drop post-round and can go towards doing things like making minigame rounds or cashing in for other interesting thing to spice it up.

This is still open! I have added some more T weapons a bit back(obviously, as you guys saw), and it has done some good. But we need some more goodies! I will continue to add more T/D items though.

Speaking of which, given a current issue where people get KOS'd off of gunshot sounds/weapon models sometimes. What about a new T equipment item 'weapon disguiser'. When activated it will randomize your weapon model and/or possibly have an option to change the sound it plays when fired.

This idea would do wonders on people trying to KOS off of weapon/sound, and basically mean they should NEVER be right doing so if you use it, it would also just be fun to use imo. What do you guys think?

(12-30-2016, 04:43 PM)Brassx Wrote:  This is still open! I have added some more T weapons a bit back(obviously, as you guys saw), and it has done some good. But we need some more goodies! I will continue to add more T/D items though.

Speaking of which, given a current issue where people get KOS'd off of gunshot sounds/weapon models sometimes. What about a new T equipment item 'weapon disguiser'. When activated it will randomize your weapon model and/or possibly have an option to change the sound it plays when fired.

This idea would do wonders on people trying to KOS off of weapon/sound, and basically mean they should NEVER be right doing so if you use it, it would also just be fun to use imo. What do you guys think?

So you're telling me the days of getting called out based off of the SGs incredibly recognizable sound is no more?

Where do I sign up

smokes that arent useless pls.

i guess i'll suggest something.
Ok, custom titles, upon hitting level 50 or something high like that, you receive a new item called a Rite of Recognition, which when used on the lobby, allows you to have a custom title, but it'll have no unique animations or colors. Instead, once you've used the Rite, you have a small chance to drop customization options for it, like colors and effects. Another thing about it is once you've used it, you cannot change it unless you talk to a new npc in the lobby you can allow you to change it for a high price of fragments. Another possibility is he could maybe be a shop that sells custimization options every week.
Umpty Dumpty

More detective stuff, unique weapons that aren't rare as fuck (they don't gotta be super op) but cool kinda like Godlikes. Also a shotgun buff, i might be in the minority but there is no reason to have shotguns like they are now they're pretty damn weak if you pick up a regular shotgun and shoot someone in the head at point blank it won't kill if they're at full health.

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