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Christmas item suggestions!

Brass posted he was interested in Christmas item suggestions. Post any of them below if you'd like!

As for myself...

  • A Christmas snowglobe perhaps? Could be difficult though, as I'm not sure if the items can be animated, and a stationary snowglobe just looks like a gypsy crystal ball hah
  • A gingerbread tree ornament! Combining two classic symbols into one!
  • Snowman head, plus carrot nose!
  • Antlers (as suggested by EmperorWhale)

Santa's S.L.E.D.
(Shockingly lethal evisceration device)

Meta-Description: It's a H.U.G.E. decorated with various Christmas trinkets.
Ingame text: Wait, who checks if Santa is naughty or nice?

Clip: +50
Mobility: +10%
Firerate: +15%
Stability: +20%
Accuracy: - 15%
Damage -5%
Reload Speed: +10%

1 in X chance for your shot to replenish ammo by 1.

I think the overall set of this gun would make it a great PVM gun, especially the special. As for the stats, the idea is for it to be really strong close-up, but it's accuracy (plus being a HUGE) make it suck far range.
Holly Jolly

Meta-Description: A shotgun with a Christmas bow tied on it
Ingame text: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

Firerate: +5%
Accuracy +10%
Damage: + 15%

1 in X chance to shoot a glass Christmas tree ornament instead. Ornaments explode on impact, dealing 1.5x damage. Target also takes X bleed damage over Y seconds.
1 in X chance to shoot a piece of coal instead. Coal deals normal damage, but also impairs hearing and vision (soot over screen?)

Reasoning: A fun and unique shotgun (which I don't recall us having many of, but I could be wrong?) geared for PVP. I'm unsure what stats to add, as the gun is more focused on its special(s).

Antlers pls

what rarities are the gun ideas? and the s.l.e.d. sounds like a huge glock a doodle doo to me,i like the shotgun idea and where does the texture for the shotgun come from? cause i still havent gotten it yet and its just purplr and pink for me, and maybe just for christmas change all c4 and remote mine skins to presents

Please let there be a shotgun that aint shite!

+1 shotgun

Oh no. Prop guns. I'm fine with the rest of the stuff though +1

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