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Chosen's Suggestions

I deleted my old suggestion thread cause the Djinn was added and for other reasons, here is a new one that people (everyone) wanted. Right?
(Ctrl+F to easily maneuver this thread, there isn't spoilers unless the suggestion itself is lengthy)
[[1]] - Orb Suggestions
[[2]] - Weapon Suggestions
[[3]] - Crystal Suggestions
[[4]] - Minigame Suggestions
[[5]] - Misc Suggestions

[[1]]Orb Suggestions-
[[2]] Weapon Suggestions-

[!] Runic Tier (Enhancable Tier)
Rarity: Primordial
Accuracy 1% - 22% (Increases at intervals of 7%)
Clip 1 - 5 (Increases at intervals of 2)
Damage 8% - 26% (Increases at intervals of 6%)
Firerate 5% - 20% (Increases at intervals of 5%)
Mobility -8%
Stability -20%
Upgrades how? Well to start, unlike other ones when you level this you actually get 2 Points per level (Max level of 5), and for the skin i was thinking something like this and at level 5 it begins to glow (like heroics) changing from blue to bright purple. How you level it up is by killing people who are suffering from any DoT suffix. Each suffix gives more exp towards the gun , the gun needs 100 EXP per level (Corrosion = 5 , Contagion = 10, Phoenix = 5, Agony = 8, Bleeding = 2)

[[3]] Crystal Suggestions-

[[4]] Minigame Suggestions

[[5]] Misc Suggestions

Squirt Gun (Uses This model)
Rarity: Legendary / Misc Slot
Clip| Infinite
Damage| None
Does What? A bit of a gag item , but also serves a use! When used on someone suffering from phoenix it actually puts them out if you hit them with it (I don't know if that's possible , but I hope so).
Text: On the cap it reads "Warning! Do not spray in eyes!"
Obtained From?: Tidal Crates. If not anything works.
^Credit to A2, it was his idea he just asked me to post it.

Cryo Grenade (Light Blue Discomb model)
New Detective Item, the idea is made because Traitors have a Fire Bomb. When bought you get 3 of these grenades.
What they do?: When thrown, the explosion radius is about half that of an incendiary. Causes all targets in the radius to be iced like the jolly trait. The one other additional side-effect is that all weapon firerate is reduced by 30% and given a 15% reduction to all incoming Bullet damage(Excludes incendiary damage and DoT). As well as the area affected becomes extremely slick , ice on the floor and causes you to slide across the surface.

Will post more later on.

+1 if not just for the magic missile

Sounds like too much fun


+1 for the m.m


+1 for all. Magic missle doesnt remind me of Bl2 though. But the sg I love it.
SG Fucking Overlord

+1 for all of them. I especially enjoy the idea of the Runic Tier; creative and more challenging to level!

+2 for squirt gun. I can't wait for the bind of feks; "Felix: im gonna squirt on you bb"

you forgot the discord orb but +1 its sounds pretty fun.

Added a huge part of the suggestion: Tarot Cards! I would like to hear anyone's thoughts on this or suggestions as well, thanks for all responses and criticisms.

I really like the tarot card idea, or anything along those lines

I especially like the idea of the "booster pack" crates

Can see potential here for some great stuff

tarot cards are pretty cool my dude. +1

yu gi oh cards are better -1


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