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Dusty Plate

I've revamped my old suggestion and I hope I've made it a lot better. I hope the general idea is enough to convince you guys!

Warning: this suggestion is very story based, as such I don't want to spoil anything but I've given you the basic rewards and the idea behind the suggestion. It contains a lot of secrets and some easter eggs and cool concepts I just don't want to reveal.

So you've opened 71 item crates, 43 item crate 2s, 22 tidals, 18 crescents, and 13 seraph crates (not really). Looks like you weren't very fortunate, you obviously deserved a godlike and RNG hates you. Better go complain on the forums..

..You have acquired a Dusty Plate.
Description: Prope?t? o?  ???mon? (It's too dusty to read)


You wash the plate at the fountain at the center of the lobby, it becomes the Offertory Plate.
Description: Property of ___mona (Some letters are scratched out I guess)

It must belong to Mona.

You talk to Mona, and mention the plate.

Mona: Where did you find that?! That plate is from my time as a cleric for my town's church. It was lost when we fled from the death worms that destroyed the town.. I need it back.
>You give her the plate
Finally.. It came back to me.. I have to thank you properly.

There's going to be a ton of nice secrets and lore related things with this suggestion as I've put a lot of thought into it. You obtain the plate in a special way.

I may need more blessings as potential rewards but I think as a base the rewards are okay as they are.

crafted by kuro with 99 crafting in the description

Ah, look, another suggestion Kuro made cause he's still upset he didn't get anything from his unboxing, besides a really unique title given to him by the owner.
Umpty Dumpty

VIP is VIP, I don't think you should be able to directly trade an item in-game for VIP. That's no different than, say, spending X coins on it or something.

Rest is alright. The EXP is overpowered and, frankly, we have TOO many ways to get EXP now.

The "Pittance" seems like a waste, but its still lasting a month and I don't like the idea of that.

I'm less fond of these "Interactive Crates" than just normal stuff.

Also lots of people have had worse luck than you, suck it up you huge baby good god.

It's not about that at all guys, no need to be rude about it(his 'bad rng' anyways). I gave him inspiration to repost the idea. Had nothing to do with his RNG, his backstory/lore is actually pretty cool.

Freedom of speech, Hitler. You won't stem the tide.

Honestly the plate is intended to be like a small bonus rather than the end all be all. The rewards aren't overpowered, they are a small bonus at best. The numbers are quick approximations but if I throw a few numbers in it makes sense.

My average round time is 4.5 minutes, 100 rounds would take me 7.5 hours.
Playing that entire day I would get 300 additional exp. 7.5 hours to get 58% of the way to ONE worm queen kill.

100 rounds with the coins at an average of 10 is 1000 coins, every 7.5 hours. Arguably less than one event run or one worm queen loot.

That's only if you even get a plate, which you don't know how to receive and I can tell you the way I have in mind is not very simple. It's very fair though.

I do want ideas on more blessings though, I don't feel happy with four it seems way too simple.

"i have bad rng and i want more stuff ill cry about when i dont roll it"

clearly +1.

Anyways, imo this seems like an ok idea, only really because it's a complete rip off the djinn.

Literally one of the items is a "Seal of Burrak

It's just a shittier version of the djinn.

(09-21-2016, 12:40 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  "i have bad rng and i want more stuff ill cry about when i dont roll it"

clearly +1.

Anyways, imo this seems like an ok idea, only really because it's a complete rip off the djinn.

Literally one of the items is a "Seal of Burrak

It's just a shittier version of the djinn.

You don't roll the plate, you obtain it.
This is probably going to be more common than a djinn, but I'm not really sure how it'll be in practice.

This entire idea is a revamp of my older suggestion which was inspired by the djinn, that's why it has the same format as a djinn. I'll see if I can switch it up a bit, but I think the djinn format really works here. Especially for the purpose of story.

The seal isn't a seal because he was sealed; he wasn't. The seal is a seal because I made the seal a seal. At the end of the day it's a badge for people to collect if they wish to, plus they get a sweet mask.

It can be a seal, a badge, a marker, an insignia or even a button it will still represent the same thing.

Edit: I decided to include that all blessings will be available up front, there's no 2 out of 4 or whatever. You pick what you want RNG free.

Freedom of speech doesn't extend to Private Property. These forums are my Private property!!

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