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Aresuft abusing Gag and Mute

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Aresuft

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:1:56348541

Map the event happened on: italy, canyon

Date of event: 8/19/16

What Happened?: Aresuft vbats everyone after mic spam, he and fancy proceed to talk about the Kunai's all round long. Niceshot said once "Completely fair and balanced" and Aresuft got mad about it. So we would say it once every 30 seconds or so, not holding down our mic and constantly saying it. After a few rounds he said "Say that once more and I'll gag you" and Niceshot said "Why, im not mic spamming just saying its completely fair and balanced" so he gagged him. I said it once, he gagged me. He then muted Niceshot and I during map vote for saying it as a bind (Which there is no such thing as spam during a mapvote since you can't see the chat well and staff have already said it's fine before). Next map during Canyon, heisen says it once and gets gagged. He then muted me after using my bind for it once. Also then he gagged me for asking Heisen if the hum he was singing was the "Hyme to the completely fair and balanced' and said his reasoning for doing this was "Because you guys are saying a statement to anger people" . Just him and he won't even admit it.

Witnesses: Niceshot, Heisenburger, Kcat, Spider

First gag on me
The mute during a map vote
Me using the bind TWICE (Oh lord the spam right)
Him gagging Heisen shortly afterwards for reading my bind out-loud
Him telling us to report him

Edit: This is actually a serious report.

Demote to member +1

Completely fair and balanced but in all seriousness i was saying it like once if i did say it and i said it DURING mapvote where people can spam however they want

Really though you were acting like a pest on purpose. I was there and saw it. Repeating the same thing over and over is spamming and it wasn't needed.
EDIT: also him saying to take it to the forums, im pretty sure he meant the complaints about the kunai or whatever.

To be fair, Chosen, you have an extreme history of disrespect, staff disrespect and mic-spamming. Did you record any of this by any chance?

I don't see why this has to be a problem

I was there as well, him and Heisen literally avoided the GAG placed on them and spammed it. He also didn't just "spam the bind" twice or three times. He repeatedly did it at different occasions..but I don't see that screenshot. RIP.

(08-19-2016, 10:12 PM)Mary Wrote:  I was there as well, him and Heisen literally avoided the GAG placed on them and spammed it. RIP.

How'd we avoid it? Also we spammed during a map vote which isn't a reason to mute.

EDIT: sorry you edited your quote to not lie. Also there isnt a single time during that during an active-round I posted it more than twice in a row.

The fuck with the reports today. Seriously both reports shouldn't even be reports. This one especially... at least on kuro's thread toby was hoping that a rule would be created where you can't leave in the middle of a gun fight. Here you are just trying to piss off aresuft. Aresuft could have client side muted them, but you could have easily stopped when you realized it was annoying him.

(08-19-2016, 10:13 PM)Chosen Wrote:  
(08-19-2016, 10:12 PM)Mary Wrote:  I was there as well, him and Heisen literally avoided the GAG placed on them and spammed it. RIP.

How'd we avoid it? Also we spammed during a map vote which isn't a reason to mute.

He told the mic spamming to stop, which you didn't to just piss him off which is like you, so I won't hold it against you. And since you couldn't mic spam it, you did it via typing to continue the trolling. Does that explain it? Or maybe it isn't avoiding..but it sure looks like it.

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