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Voice Battery ONLY affects mid-round, not post-round.

that's a thing?

Yes it is. If you are legit about not knowing that, I can see why people talking via mic is painful. I would've never been able to play TTT on NTG, or even here without my voice volume set to damn near mute.

I was too dumb to know what it meant so I never messed with it...

Thanks I suppose. A lot of my complaints are...really moot now. Wow, I feel super dumb.

I think an auto vbat when there are say 15 or more players on would be acceptable. Or as you said if you could find a way to detect when there's too much noise that would be nice. Maybe have a warning sent out in chat if it gets too loud or noisy and then after that warning if it goes up again throw on a server wide vbat?

This is getting fucking retarded it's not a big fucking deal you can clientside mute people if you wish. Also most people don't take ttt super serious, so trying to make it a serious game ruins all the fun. If terran's rule was implemented I would be gagged or vbatted every single round because I don't always talk about ttt while in a round. Figuring out when to vbat people or gag them isn't hard and it's even easier if you communicate with other staff members via @ chat, but for some fucking reason some staff don't (at least it seems that way).

I would also like to say staff that come on and gag/vbat the entire server as soon as they join... stop it's annoying.

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