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Nuggies apology and last post.

(08-12-2016, 08:16 PM)hockeyfn Wrote:  I don't really understand the complete attack on nuggie here. He is trying to tell you all he is very sorry about this, and even said he isn't gonna read the comments, and even discussed all the mistakes he has made, but you keep bringing them up even tho he won't even see them...

you're really gullible.

there is a "Logout" button for a reason.

you can view the forums as a guest you know.

Y'all could just...
Stop posting, y'know?

/close ezpz
Umpty Dumpty

Shouldn't this thread be dead by now? Nuggie's gone. He existed. Everything has an end, and this was the end of Nuggie's time here. Instead of getting angry and flaming just recognize that he existed, and realize that although he might not've been the nicest or the best he was generally a good admin. Respect him for that. He was here for years, and he did a lot of good. The bad happened, and while you need to acknowledge that it did, you also need to put it into the memory vaults. This lasting is only unpleasant, and it's been discussed to death. Let the admin fade away, and let the flawed gem of a person Nuggie was persist in your memories.

(08-12-2016, 09:51 PM)Celery God Wrote:  Shouldn't this thread be dead by now? Nuggie's gone. He existed. Everything has an end, and this was the end of Nuggie's time here. Instead of getting angry and flaming just recognize that he existed, and realize that although he might not've been the nicest or the best he was generally a good admin. Respect him for that. He was here for years, and he did a lot of good. The bad happened, and while you need to acknowledge that it did, you also need to put it into the memory vaults. This lasting is only unpleasant, and it's been discussed to death. Let the admin fade away, and let the flawed gem of a person Nuggie was persist in your memories.

Gettin all dramatic and shit man, it's some asshole who used to be liked man you don't gotta respect him or none of that

There was literally no reason to start this post in the first place, it's not closure to dump a message off and run away lol

:,( I'm packing my bags and leaving tonight !

Can we stop giving life to a dead horse.

(08-12-2016, 10:10 PM)[PAC] Bradley Wrote:  Can we stop giving life to a dead horse.

i love animals and if a horse is dead of course i would want to bring it back to life Tongue

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