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Membership of Daddy

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): KinkyDaddyJesus

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 86hrs

Where did you hear about this server?: Just heard a new ttt server came up from ntg

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: Its a cool server, fun to play.

Referred by: El Nuggie

Additional Details: Im am The kinkiest man youll ever meet

+1. Kinky is one of my favorite newer players on FRG (even tho he joined in jan 2015 ive only seen him recently wat), he's always an extremely fun person to have around and doesn't cause any issues at all.

+1 as the nugget said. decent of the new batch. ( slight hatred cause he kills me for rdming kcat but w/e) anyway. good guy

He follows the rules, respects the community from what I've seen and is a fun player. +1

-1 quite a rude player and not so nice

I don't know what problems Abu had, but Kinky is pretty fun to play with. Sorta annoying when he hits you for 50 damage with a durendal, but its all in good fun. He's a pleasure to play with. +1!

Abu is mad that I blocked him

(08-02-2016, 09:28 PM)†KinkyDaddyJesus†(Music) Wrote:  Abu is mad that I blocked him
You need to not post on your own applications, especially for something like this. Don't get offended because someone posted their opinion.

Just ignore Abu, not like his opinion matters anyway...

But yeah, Kink is a nice guy. +1
Umpty Dumpty

I've not seen him cause any problems and hes pretty fun to play with +1

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