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My Un-ban Request

Steam Name (Current): Zero^

Steam Name (During incident): King of bears? doggo?(vladimir) idk its been a loong time

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:143074839

Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198246415406/

Name of staff you were banned by: Probably Daniel (nuggie)

Length of the ban: Permanently

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Preferably repealed , but either will work.

Reason for ban: Hacking/ban evasion

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I did commit the actions stated in the ban reason.

What really happened?:Exactly as it says. I was an idiot then believing that hacking would make it more fun since i probably felt left out or something ridiculous. I got banned thus making me want to come back not realizing that I probably tossed a lot of friendships. At the time I was not mentally fit, but I am refusing to bring real life problems into it this time. I made multiple accounts because i would do anything to get my friends back and I still currently miss them.

Additional details: I lied. more than I should have. I believe it started on ntg when people were posting their own faces. I thought hey since I shouln't really put my info out there because hackers or something I will just use a random picture. I lied about that. That was not the worst part i lied about. The worst part was lying to nuggie about being someone new to the server and asking for help. At the time i was trying to fly under the radar so i could see my friends again and talk to them. I did not realize how bad i was messing everything up.

As for the hacking, yes i do admit to hacking and i always have. It was a dumb mistake i told my self never again because you can lose friends and it ruins the game for others. I'm Being as sincere as i can be right now saying that i will not hack again . I haven't touched gmod well (yesterday i played prop-hunt) other than that its been about what 1 year? 2? The fact that I was a member and did it... probably disgusts all of you and even me. I'm just looking for a second chance.

thank you for your time.

You were banned for hacking and avoiding ban. There's no point of you making this appeal, you're not getting unbanned.

(07-29-2016, 05:20 PM)Daniel Wrote:  You were banned for hacking and avoiding ban. There's no point of you making this appeal, you're not getting unbanned.

A friend of mine just said i should. its been a while so i thought i would try again.

Sincere enough to not take the time or effort to look over your post and give it some good grammar. FeelsBadMan

(07-29-2016, 05:24 PM)[PAC] Bradley Wrote:  Sincere enough to not take the time or effort to look over your post and give it some good grammar. FeelsBadMan

Give me a break man lol , it took me a couple days before he convinced me to do it

thnks fncy

Ban upheld.

Vladimir, you were given the trusted rank of member on FRG and you did nothing but break that trust. You hacked, you avoided ban, and you lied to us. You're not welcome here.

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