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Tournament NPC - Feedback/suggestions needed.

I am about to start working on a new NPC on the lobby. This NPC will allow players to setup their own tournaments, with their own prizes/rule sets.

Here's my current list of planned features, I'm posting this here first to get some feedback and to see if you guys would even want this, because it is going to be quite a bit of work coding and bug testing.

Current list of planned features
  • Players will be able to create their own tournaments(possibly for a fixed amount of coins, this fee will be returned if the match is canceled), in which they will be able to set the rules, just like in  a duel. These rules will dictate all matches in the tournament automatically.
  • Tournament hosts will also be able to drag their own weapons into a 'loadout' slot, inwhich the tournament will save a copy of that loadout, and all players in the tournament will have to use that loadout regardless of that they have equipped.
  • There will be two different modes when selecting rewards.
    • Standard mode - This mode will allow the host to deposit a certain number of items to distribute to the first, second and third place winners in the tournament separately. The winners will have their own 'reward' slots in the menu, so you can choose which place gets what.
      Do note that items you put in these slots WILL be removed from your Inventory and can not be returned unless the Tournament is canceled.
    • Pooled mode - This mode will allow the host to set an Entry Fee with no reward slots. Instead all of the coins used to enter the tourney will be divided up between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners by the system.
  • The host will set the tournament start date(most likely with a minimum of 48 hours from the current time).
  • Tournaments will require the host to set a minimum and maximum number of players allowed to participate. If the number of entries does not reach the minimum by the starting date, the reward items or entry fees are returned to their rightful owners(host or entrees).
  • The system will automatically generate a bracket of matches, each of the matches will have a deadline they must be completed by. Players will need to both check in with the NPC and select the tournament they want to check into in order to start the match. If the deadline arrives and no players are checked in, that match will be canceled and both players will be DQ'd (and will not receive a refund), however, If one player is checked in, it will count as a win for them and a loss for the other player.
  • Random monthly tournaments, this will be generated by the system at random and contain some goodies for players to win. Possibly some unique stuff you can only obtain from this, the tournament however, will not start unless a decent number of people enter it(of course there will be an entry fee for this though, to help serve as a coin sink).
    This could also possibly generate some random rule sets to make things interesting.
I will add to this list as I receive more suggestions that I agree with

So what do you guys think of something like this? Would you like to see it? Or do you think it's a waste of development time for me to go through the effort of creating this? (If you vote no, please explain why or your vote may not be considered)

(inb4 finish hold 'em first. I hated working on Hold 'Em, which is why it is poorly done. I have a hard time getting things going if I'm not really enjoying what I'm doing. I would enjoy working on this though, even though it would be A HUGE amount of work)

As long as it will NEVER generate coins into the economy (Maybe it could be a money sink? E.G 10% of anything bet/won goes to the ether, never to be seen again? Just to help with the coin problem) would be fine with me. Just let it be User Control, nothing AI related.

However, if you could let us bet on 2 Greggs and on who would win I will send you a card of happiness via snail mail.

If it isn't TOO much trouble, I don't see why not.

Though, i feel like it will end up going to waste after the first 2-3 tourneys, just like most things.

(07-28-2016, 01:13 AM)Terran Wrote:  As long as it will NEVER generate coins into the economy (Maybe it could be a money sink? E.G 10% of anything bet/won goes to the ether, never to be seen again? Just to help with the coin problem) would be fine with me. Just let it be User Control, nothing AI related.

However, if you could let us bet on 2 Greggs and on who would win I will send you a card of happiness via snail mail.

Well, the randomly generated monthly tournament would give some random rewards(possibly some uniques too) and stuff, but there would be an entry fee to that one, so a lot of coins would be taken out if people entered it, and over all there would be more coins taken out then put back in from this. That tourney is there just to spice things up a bit, and give the option to put your skills to the test.

The other ones are 100% player hosted tournaments, where they decide the rules, give their OWN rewards from their OWN inventories, or setup an entry fee which the fee is added to the prize pool, and ~90% of it will be paid out to the winners in total(not ~90% to each winner, but ~90% of all entry fees total).

I like the idea, but it just seems like a lot of work. We don't wanna overwork you TOO much Brass Wink
Umpty Dumpty

I think it'd be pretty cool of it could also support teams, say teams of two against other teams of two? Or however many people would make to make teams of

Add a Badge for people who claim first place and have it where it tracks your Tournament wins that would be pretty cool to add on to this Tournament

A few suggestions/comments I wanted to make because if this is added it'd be amazing since I love hosting tourneys:

1) Setting TDM/Round-Robin/Misc styled tourneys

2) Cooldowns for fighting specific players (Going back to the tourney style since in a round-robin you keep fighting this would be just so people couldn't spam fight someone)

3) Dueling with an NPC on your side (Gregg Companion)

4) Dueling NPCS as part of a tourney

5) Leaderboards setup with the tourney (With just a total point system?)

Few suggestions that I just liked to put out there Smile

no i want last man standing brass plz

I should be clear, this doesn't mean it will be at the top of my priority list. I have some other things I need to finish before I even start on this ,but I like to plan things ahead a bit and keep some things on my to-do list.

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