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member+ not doing their jobs in a 8+ game

(07-12-2016, 03:32 AM)Darkthruster Wrote:  
(07-11-2016, 10:30 PM)Discord Wrote:  I realize I may not have done what was expected of me but, as mention above, I had next to nothing to go on with the reports.
I tried to look at the logs but I havent been using the member+ powers in quite a while since i havent been playing TTT, and as soon as the map changed i was left unable to see said logs. (May simply be an error on my part)
Now I know this doesnt mean I'm excused from not doing my job and I apologize for that much, but please make your reports a little more helpful in the future.

Discord just incase you put out that excuse i put in chat all the links to the log before i left and its in one of the screenshot in evidence EVEN IF you didnt know the powers of member+ you didnt even look at the links i posted in chat (http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/451866701001873671/BC58DD56E191401FFE25C1E58F66B9DB8B92F350/)

Also i heard an uproar of saying Discord getting perm ban so just so we are all clear i want you guys to warn Discord or at worst demote him, i dont want him banned whatsoever this isnt even worthy of banning. Personnaly i would settle if you guys just warn him for next time. I might be a dick in ttt but not to the point of insta demote or ban for something like this.

A fucking demote?! Are you serious Dark? Need me remind you, he was not the only Member+ on who didn't handle the report.
Umpty Dumpty

Also, Dark, to be honest you are the guy who said the "N" word on the server and got angry that I gagged you. I mean, it could and should have been a ban, but it seemed like a genuine accident. You didn't have to target me every T round. Your word holds a lot less to me due to that incident.

Considering less than half of +members do their job on a regular basis when on, demoting him for something like this would be pretty ridiculous unless others were demoted as well. Discord seems to understand why this was brought up and hopefully he will do better in the future. It seemed to be a rather messy situation anyway so Discord all I ask is that you recognize what you did and work to improve it.

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