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member+ not doing their jobs in a 8+ game

(07-11-2016, 05:41 PM)[Phazz3] Cant Touch This Wrote:  
(07-11-2016, 05:36 PM)Leo The Sexy Kitty Wrote:  
(07-11-2016, 05:19 PM)[Phazz3] Cant Touch This Wrote:  You guys have jumped wwaayyyyy to quick to judge; What if the +Member(s) decided that it wasnt valid and overruled it? Some of you don't even know Discord's side or anyone elses. Personally i think it would of been delt with and if it wasn't it couldn't of been that serious.

Its been proven jerome and Hala did troll him and did rdm and did deserve a slay based on all the screenshots

Yes but how is this Discord's fault? What if he looked at the report and the report hardly said anything to do with what happened or if he didnt feel it was correct... Or lets get onto the big picture; why are you still blaming discord? My god look how many other +Members were on! If any of them thought it was valid one of them would of dealt with it and even aresuft to an extent if he had to. I achknowledge you are talking about all +Members but why blame it on discord?

EDIT: Also; still haven't heard discord's side of the story...

Because discord was told personally to look at the reports. to a SLAY WORTHY reason. I dont think discord uses the forums
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

If there were that many on doing nothing then something is wrong, I don't think the excuse "My reports are messed up" can apply to everyone on right then either. When I asked Discord too he said all of Dark's reports would say stuff like "this is a report, you're getting slain" which isn't how you do a report....

(07-11-2016, 05:59 PM)Leo The Sexy Kitty Wrote:  Because discord was told personally to look at the reports. to a SLAY WORTHY reason. I dont think discord uses the forums

By who? There were so many other +mems on as well that if they noticed Discord wasnt doing it then WHY DIDN'T THEY. This happens a lot and they're to blame just as well.

I realize I may not have done what was expected of me but, as mention above, I had next to nothing to go on with the reports.
I tried to look at the logs but I havent been using the member+ powers in quite a while since i havent been playing TTT, and as soon as the map changed i was left unable to see said logs. (May simply be an error on my part)
Now I know this doesnt mean I'm excused from not doing my job and I apologize for that much, but please make your reports a little more helpful in the future.

(07-11-2016, 10:30 PM)Discord Wrote:  I realize I may not have done what was expected of me but, as mention above, I had next to nothing to go on with the reports.
I tried to look at the logs but I havent been using the member+ powers in quite a while since i havent been playing TTT, and as soon as the map changed i was left unable to see said logs. (May simply be an error on my part)
Now I know this doesnt mean I'm excused from not doing my job and I apologize for that much, but please make your reports a little more helpful in the future.

Discord just incase you put out that excuse i put in chat all the links to the log before i left and its in one of the screenshot in evidence EVEN IF you didnt know the powers of member+ you didnt even look at the links i posted in chat (http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/451866701001873671/BC58DD56E191401FFE25C1E58F66B9DB8B92F350/)

Also i heard an uproar of saying Discord getting perm ban so just so we are all clear i want you guys to warn Discord or at worst demote him, i dont want him banned whatsoever this isnt even worthy of banning. Personnaly i would settle if you guys just warn him for next time. I might be a dick in ttt but not to the point of insta demote or ban for something like this.

Here is awesome's 2 cents, this happened on a map change, discord was looking at the reports and you are posting things in regular chat which he isn't going to see if he is in the reports menu so lets calm down right there, second +members are not staff and being plus member is not a job. It is a privilege to the +member to have extra power to assist with rdms when other staff is not available but its not a requirement that they always jump to the reports when other higher staff members were on. I do not think that the lack of a slay warrants the asking of a warning or demotion of Discords status. He hasn't played much in awhile to be that quick at reports even I am still slow after coming back from my months of being away. Also when there are a ton of people on the server half the time I don't even notice reports come in with all the mic spam and commotion, Until I am dead and can check or I hear someone screaming to check reports. Its not only a privilege to the +member to help out but its a courtesy for the server that the person wants to take on this role to offer additional assistance when they can. Sometimes I just want to play effing TTT and not deal with the drama of reports and people getting butt hurt. My vote is to stop taking a game so damn seriously and instead of reporting the +member who didn't give you your way, especially with the invalid report format you submitted, make your forum report on the ACTUAL player who RDMed you and not the person who would have helped had they had more to go on in real time and not such shitty circumstances with a map change.

~My 2 cents.

(07-12-2016, 12:37 PM)Awesome Wrote:  Here is awesome's 2 cents, this happened on a map change, discord was looking at the reports and you are posting things in regular chat which he isn't going to see if he is in the reports menu so lets calm down right there, second +members are not staff and being plus member is not a job. It is a privilege to the +member to have extra power to assist with rdms when other staff is not available but its not a requirement that they always jump to the reports when other higher staff members were on. I do not think that the lack of a slay warrants the asking of a warning or demotion of Discords status. He hasn't played much in awhile to be that quick at reports even I am still slow after coming back from my months of being away. Also when there are a ton of people on the server half the time I don't even notice reports come in with all the mic spam and commotion,  Until I am dead and can check or I hear someone screaming to check reports. Its not only a privilege to the +member to help out but its a courtesy for the server that the person wants to take on this role to offer additional assistance when they can. Sometimes I just want to play effing TTT and not deal with the drama of reports and people getting butt hurt. My vote is to stop taking a game so damn seriously and instead of reporting the +member who didn't give you your way, especially with the invalid report format you submitted, make your forum report on the ACTUAL player who RDMed you and not the person who would have helped had they had more to go on in real time and not such shitty circumstances with a map change.

~My 2 cents.
well tbh no one formats reports right well maybe a few also awesome i think that this was a little bit to late cus i think this report been ended but no one closed it and moved it xD
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(07-12-2016, 12:59 PM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  well tbh no one formats reports right well maybe a few also awesome i think that this was a little bit to late cus i think this report been ended but no one closed it and moved it xD

Mini learn to fucking grammar please, you're just making us look bad here.

Also yeah this report is dumb basically and biased, no reason why it should be open still.

(07-11-2016, 05:19 PM)[Phazz3] Cant Touch This Wrote:  You guys have jumped wwaayyyyy to quick to judge; What if the +Member(s) decided that it wasnt valid and overruled it? Some of you don't even know Discord's side or anyone elses. Personally i think it would of been delt with and if it wasn't it couldn't of been that serious.

You're supposed to tell people about the report anyway. You tell the person either why it was a slay or why it wasn't a slay. You don't just mark it as finish (if it was a real report) and not tell them. How would they know what the verdict was??? I know its a game, but cmon

So is this over yet or are we still going to pull this as long as we can?
There is that better chosen.
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(07-13-2016, 01:56 AM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  So is this over yet or are we still going to pull this as long as we can?
There is that better chosen.

nerf ccd

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