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Proposed Worm Queen Changes

I want to make this short and sweet, just a general list of changes I think would be best for the Worm Queen.

This was my first time being there for a release like this and I'm glad to contribute my ideas in a meaningful way. Thanks.

name it zulrah
make it drop scales to charge a special needle gun that has a capacity like a crystal
have it cause slowing poison that does very low damage but stacks and lasts for a long time

First off, THERE IS SUPPOSED TO BE BOSS MUSIC. WHAT BOSS FIGHT HAVE I EVER DONE WITHOUT BOSS MUSIC!?!? But really though it does have music, but I honestly forgot to add it to the download list. Fixing that now.

The reason why the Arena is a straight cube is because there are 12 of them. Anything too complex(displacements) could easily add a shitload to the filesize, as well as a lot more time to the compile time. I wanted to keep the filesize down as much as possible, and well, the fact that I am definitely not a mapper. But yeah I agree it could use some touch ups, and I'll see what I can do. (If someone wants to try their hand at it, you're free to make a prefab(just a vmf file) for the lair. The dimensions needs to be roughly 3328w, 3328l, 2304h, or you can PM me and I'll send you a template VMF)

Cooldown for losing is there to give the arenas time to clear up, as well as give people a chance to fight if all of the arenas are busy. Once more people complete the quest, I'm not sure how many fights will be going on at a time.

brass there not music for the first boss in the first event Wink
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

(07-04-2016, 04:00 PM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  brass there not music for the first boss in the first event Wink

Sir, that's a miniboss. That does not count.

there should be a global leaderboard to see who kills it the fastest? Smile

limit the number of poison ball that the queen can launch, when you are close 3+ are near impossible to dodge

(07-04-2016, 09:11 PM)Seto Kaiba Wrote:  limit the number of poison ball that the queen can launch, when you are close 3+ are near impossible to dodge

No they aren't...

(07-04-2016, 09:11 PM)Seto Kaiba Wrote:  limit the number of poison ball that the queen can launch, when you are close 3+ are near impossible to dodge

Walk forward and then keep moving the direction you were going.

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