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Poll: Should bhopping be prevented automatically?
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(06-25-2016, 08:15 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  NO FUCKING JUMP COOLDOWN BULLSHIT FUCK THAT. I've literally quit games because jump cooldowns between each jump gives me a headache. Half the fun is just jumping around when you're bored af and don't wanna regularly walk. Jump cooldowns trigger me.

but you dont play anymore anyway.

(06-25-2016, 08:17 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(06-25-2016, 08:15 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  NO FUCKING JUMP COOLDOWN BULLSHIT FUCK THAT. I've literally quit games because jump cooldowns between each jump gives me a headache. Half the fun is just jumping around when you're bored af and don't wanna regularly walk. Jump cooldowns trigger me.

but you dont play anymore anyway.

can we add an "irrelevant" rating so i dont have to constantly debate between putting disagree or dumb on someones post that makes no sense or contribution to the argument

- That Thrakos Noob

Crouch jumping is what kills FRG.
All it does is break the hitboxes.
Bunnyhopping is fun, but its also an exploit. Yesterday, me and a T buddy emptied 60 bullets into Enchantable and he zoomed backwards, crouch jump spamming as he moved way faster than us and none of our bullets did damage.


Bhopping is the LESSER evil by FAR, just when you crouch jump spam and do it its fucking ridiculous. I'd 100% rather have people bunny hop than crouch jump spam.

I like to crouch jump around(with my swift deagle.) Normally I end up dying from awp or any other way possible in TTT.(Just saying for that part.) But bhopping with scripts shouldn't be allowed. If scripts are in use to take advantage over other players then scripts for bhopping should be prevented, if not already. If someone truly knows how to bhop with out any scripts I feel that it's a skill that will still give an edge over others, but it's a skill instead of assistants if that makes sense. O-o What I am attempting to say is scripting is bad and the skill to know how to bhop and use it isn't.

Make it briefly light you on fire whenever you bhop

If they use a blaze crystal make it instakill them

Problem Solved

Idk about bhoping, but just make your velocity go to near zero, enough that you can get onto a box or something if you crouch jump, but not enough that you can hop everywhere at the speed of fast

(06-25-2016, 11:26 PM)Fuzzy "Mc-Cones" McNomNoms Wrote:  Idk about bhoping, but just make your velocity go to near zero, enough that you can get onto a box or something if you crouch jump, but not enough that you can hop everywhere at the speed of fast

you do realize if your velocity is too small, you wont be able to make most jumps right?

im trying to think of a good example.

EDIT: Ah, thought of one. Jumping from the top of the door on dolls, to the ladder attached to the closet door.

Crouch jumping should be allowed, but spamming it should not be. The game engine was made to support crouch jumping, not crouch jump spamming. Bhopping was just a side effect of the other parts of the jump system. (IE: jumping down a slope = faster movement, bhopping simulates this.)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

I didn't make mine very clear did I? I mean that after a certain amount of jumps it would slow your velocity down, I'm talking like 3-4.

Maybe you guys are just really whiny, or I don't care as much. I have seen people crouch jump to get an edge and yeah it does make it more difficult but I think terran might be exaggerating a little bit. Really? 60 bullets? Anyway, my point is that I don't think it's nearly as bad as people are making it out to be and adding a jump cooldown would really be shitty. It's fun to hop around like unpoke said. Since bhopping is seen as an exploit then yes do something about it but pls leave jumping alone.

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