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Hello friends

This is a post to try to help clean my name.

As many of you know me as the person who stole maps i want to try to clear my name of this by explaining what went down. About 15% probably dont know who i am, 10% wont care, 20% will forgive me and the rest will still go on to believe i stole them.

City 17
So beginning i made a city 17 remake, which again was shit because this was my first experience in hammer which is a stupid program to work with, i had tons of experience in the unreal engine, which i use to sell sets to people to make their animation shows. Now with this map i went around half life 2 (i own orange box on 360 so i had it open on my other monitor) and i remade it to the best of my abilities, I will admit to opening the actual city 17 in hammer and grabbing some areas and decals i just could not make because again it was my first time in hammer and i wanted it to be perfect for the server. (i dont remember which maps came out first just the order i made them)

This by far was actually my most popular map, this one i made completely from scratch feeling well adjusted after city 17, of course i had to update this several times before i got it right, i felt confident enough i actually live streamed making half of the map, which was finishing touches, like decals and props. This seems to be the one map people actually didnt have issues with.

Dragon Island
This map was actually a remake of a map i sue to love playing gun game on, yet again I live streamed me making this one but from the beginning, i showed myself going to css banana and downloading the map, opening it in hammer then opening up a new hammer and attempting to remake the map except more suited for dragon round. Brass asked me for a map for dragon rounds not ttt, this was the map that popped into my head because it was wide open and not many place to take op shelter from the massive dragon. while it was considered one of my worse maps, the only real issue with it was the ladders, which i had actually patched it was just never released because i was busy with other things at the time, i accidentally used a texture that made the ladders invisible instead of a no collide because hammer is fucking terrible and has 2 textures that say no collide but one turns props invisible.

The Lobby
I probably get the most shit for this map. This map was made with a template. For those who dont know, Templates are used by most mappers as a way to start a map. I was on a deadline so i pushed this out making a few edits like the casino and adding to brass's office and making it more like the server we were on. I was working on a new release of this map that was completely from scratch before i decided to ask for a demotion and leave because i felt unwanted and at the time the community was falling apart. I actually had this sick egyptian styled casino made from scratch a brand new lobby area that looked nothing like the way it had before, a new movie theater made from scratch it even had a little park.

This map i livestreamed from the beginning as well, this fucking map man it was hell it took me like 9 hours to make. Now Jake found the map i actually stole the textures from. i will admit to that, i didnt want to go digging for halo textures for hours on end or even make them, because making textures is hell. So instead i just ripped the textures from the map, However i realized this was was a css map and some of the textures didnt work with gmod. specifically the actual fire bases. their metal textures corrupted the skybox so no matter what i did i couldnt patch the sky. This map was actually supposed to be another dragon map. btw making mountains in hammer, yeah thats what took my about 5 hours, wouldnt suggest it because that map is huge and making the mountains look semi real made me want to kms.

This post is an apology to brass mostly, i know i made my name look like shit and i probably left at a bad time but i was so tired of constantly getting on and being shit on about my maps or just being shit on because the community was literally split in half of one side actually hating me to the other actually liking me, it caused so many issues sometimes i just got pissed off and couldnt take it so i just wouldnt talk or when i did it was something super douchy which ik was leading to my demotion cause i was constantly being pulled aside and told to lighten up or i would be demoted.

This is also a request for people to stop constantly bringing up my maps while im trying to have fun in ttt, this happened 2 years ago and ik some of you just like to troll and make people mad but please.  If you want to talk shit about my maps go ahead and post them in this thread, i will respond to all of them. Also feel free to leave your opinions about this thread. And again im sorry to all of you who seem to think of me as less of a person because you genuinely believe i stole all of my maps.

Sincerely windstaff.

TLDR: "Your trash kid your maps are bad pls dont make anymore shit maps pls just leave the server"  Angel

(06-19-2016, 04:21 PM)wind Wrote:  TLDR: "Your trash kid your maps are bad pls dont make anymore shit maps pls just leave the server"  Angel

this is tobiasx

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