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Suns' member application

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Suns Of the Phoenix

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 105 hours( when made ) 131 hours ( current )

Where did you hear about this server?: I came from ntg started playing in 2013 and came on this server the first day it was up but just recently started playing seriously.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes for changing my name ingame on accident.

Why do you want to join?: Because this server and its community is one of the best i've seen on gmod and i would love to be more involved with it.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: i think i have much to bring to this server as a member and I will strive to keep FRG a fun, clean, and overall great server

+1 suns is my bae

+1 Coolest cat on the air conditioner.

Suns is a great guy. I've known him since he first joined. Overall he doesn't cause problems and is fun to play with. +1

i can agree +1 (P.S he is evil during some minigames...)
Mary has entered the Server.
G01dmaster: NO!
G01dmaster has left the Server.

He's active, pretty fun and mature and overall not that cancerous like most. +1

Pretty funny guy. Feels like you might RDM a bit on purpose, and/or get angry easily, but I can understand that. Would be a fun guy to have around as Member or not, but might not be the best representative for the server. Not sure if you and Emperor Whale are buds or something, but it was pretty blatant RDM when you attacked him.

But yeah personally I think you're fucking great, so +1 for that.

Suns is amazing and a great part of the server! +1 all the way

+1 Basically what everyone else has said, he's fun, nice, and active. Deserves member.

Approved! As with the other application, I'd like to see you a bit more active on the forums now Smile. Not a huge deal though!

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