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Poll: Should talking about politics be allowed?
Yes, there is nothing wrong with it
No, it should be an automatic warning, then gag for a set time.
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Talking of Politics Poll

Alright so I've seen multiple times when talking about politics can cause many problems such as, arguments, mic spam, chat spam, and sometimes cause an over-all hate for someone. I personally think talking about politics should not be allowed because it would help calm many arguments. A few examples(and I have nothing against these people) are the incident with Nuggie and Tobias. That one was part of a HUGE debate. Another incident was a few days back when a ton of people where arguing over presidents which thus caused a lot of spam in the chat and over voice.

I think it should be gaggable/mutable. it should stay off the server completely, i've learned that the hard way lol

Gag them for arguing and being childish, not talking about politics. Not everyone gets into petty arguments over it so simply saying if you talk about politics, you're gagged, is really dumb.

If it causes mic spam, vbat/gag. If it causes people to dislike eachother, that is their issue and maybe they should take a step back and think about why they really are mad at said person.

It is situational and simply putting a blanket rule over it is wrong.

censorship is dumb. Politics is cancer but let people speak. Only gag when it gets childish.

Besides I could see this easily getting turned into "make jokes about political figures, get gagged."

its a game
if you discuss non-game thing
you go to steam

simple as that

Situational, but probably shouldn't be talked about to much* If people get heated and start shitting themselves because they think their opinion matters then gag them. If they're just naturally talking then don't gag them.

(05-03-2016, 12:24 AM)Terran Wrote:  its a game
if you discuss non-game thing
you go to steam

simple as that

there is no need for political talk on the server
its only gonna start problems

Politics, current events, your waifu, your favorite flavor of ice cream (off the top of my head).

All of these discussions should be handled the same if a problem occurs, politics isn't exclusive to causing problems; people can and will argue about anything.

If it's small talk in spectator, like hey what do you guys think about x (being anything) it does not matter. If someone complains it should be taken to private messaging out of common decency.

If it's causing micspam, people yelling over each other, taking away from gameplay or any other problems it should be handled within the rules as micspam/respect

Banning certain things because of one incident will not stop people from micspamming/ being disrespectful of others in the future. People can be equally as obnoxious over any topic.

Banning politics discussion is not the answer; banning the people breaking the rules while discussing politics is.

(05-03-2016, 12:42 AM)Derp-A-Doodle-Doo Wrote:  
(05-03-2016, 12:24 AM)Terran Wrote:  its a game
if you discuss non-game thing
you go to steam

simple as that

there is no need for political talk on the server
its only gonna start problems

Pretty much, I'm here to have fun, not have people argue over something as dumb as politics, I see that enough on Facebook.

Same for religion.

I mean, I'll say random shit and all, but if its getting out of hand yeah gag/mute them or tell them to go to steam. Some people I don't have added I'll talk to in spectator about stuff (Since spectator is basically either you alt+tab or just sit there) , in what happened a few days back when there was so much micspam over politics and all? Gags around. Also I hit No by accident.

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