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"Idling" Stalls.

So, some of us would like to make "Progress" in the game by being lazy butts. Right? Right. So, maybe there could be a way to invest a ginormous amount (is that even a word? "ginormous"? no red squiggly lines I suppose) into some sort of lazy, passively-generated...stuff. Resources. Hey, I may play a few too many idling games, alright? Don't blame me. Nobody releases any new fun flash games anyways. Where the fuck is Sonny 3, or a new Sinjid? Krinlabs holy shit stop letting me down. What happened to those fun RPGs like Mardek or whatever or dungeon-crawling roguelikes that were popular? Now all we get are these fucking "idling" games, pay2win "mmo's" that are 2D pieces of shit, and broken "card games" that grow even RARER to find nowadays. What a shitty setup. Anyways...

The basic premise would be that you can set up a stall/Multiple (Client-sided) in the Lobby server that will generate a resource for you, either infinite and free or costing another resource for better returns. By "Resources" I mean Coins, Experience, Forerunner Fragments, Poker Chips (maybe?), etc. So, let's get crackin'!

These do NOT stack. So level 4 Coin Merchant would cost the 50,000, but would not return the costs of Level 3/2/1, but would also not include their benefits. Serious balancing issues are probably here.

Coin Merchant
Level 1: Invest 1,000 coins to create 5 Coins/day.
Level 2: Invest 5,000 coins to create 30 Coins/day.
Level 3: Invest 25,000 coins to create 175 Coins/day.
Level 4: Invest 50,000 coins and pay 5 Forerunner Fragments a day to create 750 Coins/day. No frags = No coins.

Fragment Merchant
Level 1: Invest 100 Fragments to get 1 Fragment/day.
Level 2: Invest 300 Fragments and 8,000 Coins to get 4 Fragments/day.
Level 3: Invest 600 Fragments and 25,000 Coins + pay 30 Coins/Day to get 12 Fragments/Day.

Experience Merchant
Level 1: Invest 500 coins to generate 15 EXP/day.
Level 2: Invest 5,000 coins to generate 150 EXP/day.
Level 3: Invest 20,000 coins and pay 30 Coins/day to generate 350 EXP/day.

Crate Merchant
Level 1: Invest 6,000 Coins and get (1) free untradeable Item Crate/day.
Level 2: Invest 15,000 Coins and get (1) free untradeable Item Crate + Item Crate 2/day.
Level 3: Invest 30,000 Coins and get (1) free untradeable Crescent, Item, and Item Crate 2/day.

As I said earlier: these are probably super unbalanced. Also SUPER DUMB "IDEAS".

Coming soon... FRG The Idler TTT Server

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