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The nuggie Tobias situation.

This seems like a conflict that snowballed from the beginning.. Honestly I know if Nuggie was warned to stop than yeah punishment happens , but from the looks of Tobias's "evidence" he was targeting for Nuggie to slip up. I remember that political war and (I don't have the picture for it) ,but Toby messaged me disrespecting nuggie and all I said was like "ayy lmao politics #2cul4datshit" something like that and he just went on being mad. I know that I have not a lot of room to talk (Since I take up the whole room), but I've noticed when Tobias gets told his views aren't good as someone else's or yada-yada he gets extremely mad about it and from what I saw Nuggie kind of just was fucking around egging him on and sometimes being serious. I just think if instead they'd talked to each other instead of Tobias immediately going to brass about a complaint everytime Nuggie typed a single thing (Holy shit tobias im never making fun of you in chat or voice, I'll use like morse-code or something from now on) than this would never of happened. So yeah, my 2 cents was free now gimme "Advice Giver Badge" 99% of never getting a life.

(04-01-2016, 02:38 AM)Daniel (no sound) Wrote:  I seriously don't want any of this. For fucks sake. All I've EVER wanted to do is help FRG.

(Also, aresuft, when you told me to stop you called me a prick and continued to insult me in steam chat after I told you that wasn't cool. I have no respect for you, if you're unable to talk to me respectfully as well dude.)

Okay, stop victimizing yourself first off, this is 100% your problem so don't say "I didn't want any of this" because you're the one who kept it going and the one who brought it to the server and kept it on the server. You didn't even attempt to make up with Tobais. You kept instigating him on the server by spamming that bind and after all those warnings you just kept on not giving a shit. And now that you're backed into a corner and you're trying to make yourself look like you tried but were targeted. You're really fake and I don't know why other people can't see through that facade you put on. And drop that "I told you that wasn't cool" bullshit, you steam messaged me first telling me to mind my own business. You said nothing about me calling you a prick. If I recall correctly you said something along the lines of "I dont know why you have to get your nose in everything that does not involve you." And you only messaged me after I came back on the server to tell you for a THIRD TIME to leave him alone, that time in voice. Again, stop acting like the fucking victim, you were the instigator, you kept it going, you're a liar. Brass read the entire steam conversation between us and can vouch for me.

But please, do reply and prove me wrong

I dont expect this to be important but I just want to have it noted, I have had issues with both of them prior to this. Tobias has stopped having the issues with me months ago, but mcnuggie continues to cause issues to this day.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Please stop before this turns into a war. Just post your opinion and leave it plox

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 02:38 AM)Daniel (no sound) Wrote:  I seriously don't want any of this. For fucks sake. All I've EVER wanted to do is help FRG.

(Also, aresuft, when you told me to stop you called me a prick and continued to insult me in steam chat after I told you that wasn't cool. I have no respect for you, if you're unable to talk to me respectfully as well dude.)

Okay, stop victimizing yourself first off, this is 100% your problem so don't say "I didn't want any of this" because you're the one who kept it going and the one who brought it to the server and kept it on the server. You didn't even attempt to make up with Tobais. You kept instigating him on the server by spamming that bind and after all those warnings you just kept on not giving a shit. And now that you're backed into a corner and you're trying to make yourself look like you tried but were targeted. You're really fake and I don't know why other people can't see through that facade you put on. And drop that "I told you that wasn't cool" bullshit, you steam messaged me first telling me to mind my own business. You said nothing about me calling you a prick. If I recall correctly you said something along the lines of "I dont know why you have to get your nose in everything that does not involve you." And you only messaged me after I came back on the server to tell you for a THIRD TIME to leave him alone, that time in voice. Again, stop acting like the fucking victim, you were the instigator, you kept it going, you're a liar. Brass read the entire steam conversation between us and can vouch for me.

But please, do reply and prove me wrong

Only because you asked me to.

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  Okay, stop victimizing yourself first off, this is 100% your problem so don't say "I didn't want any of this" because you're the one who kept it going and the one who brought it to the server and kept it on the server.

I'm not trying to victimize myself. I admit, I made mistakes, this is mostly my fault, but Tobias continuously targeting anything I say and calling it harassment has been ruining my entire experience on FRG. I assure you, I don't want any of this to happen lol. Why would I want bullshit drama on the server, as people say, its a gaming server, I play here to play video games and have fun. Drama is no fun, because, as you can see, it lead to my demotion! The one time I brought it onto the server was when I binded what Tobias said to me and Jake which was pretty uncalled for.

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  You didn't even attempt to make up with Tobais. You kept instigating him on the server by spamming that bind and after all those warnings you just kept on not giving a shit.

I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. I told Brass many times that I wanted to make up with Tobias as I wanted this all to quit. The drama on this server has been one of the only reasons I've wanted to leave recently, I seriously hate it. I even moved him into a teamspeak server and was ready to talk to him and make up with him, but sadly my jokes aren't funny. I used the bind 5 times. I remember specifically, after 5 I stopped (because after I did it the 5th time you called me a prick on mic and that was wildly unexpected). I blocked you both after Brass talked to me, and I thought it was done. I did make a few passive aggressive comments during that one time when we had all those minigame rounds because block is broken in minigames, and it was actually the first time I had played with both Tobias and Aresuft since I talked to Brass and blocked them which had my tensions up, and I just didn't want to have anything to do with them, but the minigame rounds prevented that (thanks for fixing that brass, appreciate it), causing my saltiness to say a few passive aggressive comments, but none of them specifically targeted anyone in my opinion (not saying it was right for me to do)

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  And now that you're backed into a corner and you're trying to make yourself look like you tried but were targeted. You're really fake and I don't know why other people can't see through that facade you put on.

I don't really feel I'm backed into a corner, and I WAS targeted by Tobias as he reported almost anything I'd do, and even Brass admits that a lot of the "evidence" was pretty stupid. I have been considering leaving FRG because of this situation and this thread is the only thing that could possibly solve this, so I actually feel like I might be getting myself out of a corner. You don't even know me Aresuft, you know nothing about me, so I am not sure you can accurately say I am fake.

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  And drop that "I told you that wasn't cool" bullshit, you steam messaged me first telling me to mind my own business. You said nothing about me calling you a prick. If I recall correctly you said something along the lines of "I dont know why you have to get your nose in everything that does not involve you." And you only messaged me after I came back on the server to tell you for a THIRD TIME to leave him alone, that time in voice.

I did tell you that it wasn't cool, and it was a dick move to do. Following that, yes, I said that you should mind your own business and you didn't have to get your nose in everything involving me, because that's what you do lol. I did listen after I heard you say "nuggie stop being a prick" to me ingame, and that was the first time I recall seeing you tell me to stop. I then said in adminchat "im only a prick to tobias", you also called me a prick in adminchat too. I just didn't understand why thats the first thing you'd say to me when telling me to stop, because that was the first time I recall you saying anything to me.

(04-01-2016, 03:03 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  Again, stop acting like the fucking victim, you were the instigator, you kept it going, you're a liar. Brass read the entire steam conversation between us and can vouch for me.

Not tryna act like a victim. Trying to get the point across that I want this over with and for some reason neither of you can see that point. I was not the only instigator in this situation, and the only reason it kept going is because Tobias kept reporting every little thing I'd say to Brass. Again, most of it was practically nothing.

Those steam messages between us also show your lack of respect for me and thats when I stopped taking you seriously. You began insulting me, calling me a 5 year old prick (you love the word prick), and just overall taking it way too far. At that point I just found your words funny because you were the one disrespecting me.

I didn't want to respond to this but eh, Aresuft is really making me look like the only one at fault.

Sorry if this is a bit unorganized or hard to read. Feel free to reply with any questions.

(04-01-2016, 03:14 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 03:13 AM)Eryehka Wrote:  I dont expect this to be important but I just want to have it noted, I have had issues with both of them prior to this. Tobias has stopped having the issues with me months ago, but mcnuggie continues to cause issues to this day.

What stopped you from speaking out sooner?

I told jake about mcnuggie/me while he was manager.

Also mcnuggie, if you wanted this to be done with, you would have ignored his every actions that begged for a response. (!block ingame, block on forums if need be)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Aresuft, you're dragging yourself too much in, no need to make yourself an enemy too lol

- That Thrakos Noob

Just saying , but Aresuft you should just like shut the hell up. I'm sorry , but you already caused one staff member to get banned, we don't need another so please stop trying to antagonize Nuggie....

EDIT: Guess a few didn't get it ,but the allusion was to Cyanspy. Yeah.

(04-01-2016, 03:44 AM)Eryehka Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 03:14 AM)Aresuft Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 03:13 AM)Eryehka Wrote:  I dont expect this to be important but I just want to have it noted, I have had issues with both of them prior to this. Tobias has stopped having the issues with me months ago, but mcnuggie continues to cause issues to this day.

What stopped you from speaking out sooner?

I told jake about mcnuggie/me while he was manager.

Also mcnuggie, if you wanted this to be done with, you would have ignored his every actions that begged for a response. (!block ingame, block on forums if need be)

I did have them both blocked ingame and forums and on steam. I thought that would cause it to be over, but after I thought the entire situation was over, I received more messages from Brass saying that I was somehow harassing him while I had him blocked. That specific example turned out to be nothing, but he kept trying to get me in trouble for the smallest reasons. I promise, I tried ignoring his every actions...

Ok please stop now just start pming. I think the point was well made here on all sides.

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